Woman in Mind photos: TV shoot, set design

The show is coming along quite well, ladies and gentlemen, and we have just one more private rehearsal prior to tomorrow’s preview, then our official opening on Thursday. Friday and Saturday night continue to fill quickly, don’t forget to pick those up in advance if you wanted to come see us one of those nights! We really try to discourage walk-up on Fri or Sat nights due to the potential for sellouts. There are still enough tickets remaining for Thu and Sun if anyone would rather pay at the door.

I took these photos last night. The first is a shot of the whole set, taken from the center line. This show is in the same corner of the room as both Kitefliers and The Pillowman before it. This show actually has a smaller set AND fewer chairs in the room than either of those previous shows did. Due to a lot of action on the floor, we killed our front ground row to improve sightlines.

Be gentle, it’s my first set. I’m pretty proud though.

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This is a shot from the commercial shoot we did before last night’s dress-tech. That would be our new videographer from Bright House, Ben. We miss David Delene, but Ben is taking good care of us right now. The spot should be posted online this weekend and begins airing on Monday. Also check CreLo over the next few weeks to see our ads, and we’ll also be in the Trib’s Friday extra and this Friday’s tbt*.

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While I’m posting about the set – very big ups to: Tandy for the deal on all the rocks, Scott B. for the garden furniture and to Lamont for the table hook-up. And of course to my TD, Brian, and our master carpenter/detail painter mas fina Matt Lunsford. No thanks to the lady who lied to me at the Dale Mabry Home Depot who sent me halfway across town rather than be bothered by cutting fake grass for me. The roll at the other store was the same size as you had, and I got 40 feet off of it just fine.




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Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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