Whew. We’re up and running!

If I said that the last few weeks have been busy, it would be a ridiculous understatement. We’ve had personal emergencies, personal crises, professional obstacles in regards to the script and development on the show, typical technical challenges when dealing with a large set and just about everything else that can humanly be thrown at us – to include uninvited guests on stage and an actor arriving at the theater 5 minutes after the show was to start due to traffic.

Some might call it the August curse, which some firmly believe follows us around.

I might just call it coincidence and a streak of bad luck. I also don’t throw my hands up in air easily.

In any case, despite it all we’ve got this thing up and running. It’s a good show. If only we could get the room cool enough to accommodate the bodies and the length of the show under those lights I’d be very happy. It’s gotten REALLY hot in there the last few nights as the second act has gone on.

We were 7 shy of selling our our preview. Last night and tonight were also sellouts. Opening night saw us get a standing ovation. Some have left before the show was over due to the content or the length (which we expected) and some have left early due to the heat (which kills us, and which we’ve hopefully fixed).

Like I said with Pillowman, this show is not going to be for everyone. At worst, I’ve gotten feedback that folks may not have liked the story but the acting was outstanding, and at best I’ve heard people go on about how honest and realistic a portrayal it is of the time and of those who depend so heavily on substances to get by in a world where they otherwise feel empty in.

Personally, I feel like it’s so very rare I get these chances. An opportunity to act rather than just perform. I perform a lot – from Jack in Kitefliers to playing around in the (abridged) shows – but it’s truly few and far between I get to sink into a character like this. I enjoy it and equally terrifies me.

That level of attention, energy and absorption is perhaps a reason I don’t do things like this very often. It’s hard to be a producer and the guiding artistic voice in a macro capacity when at the micro level you’re simply worried about yourself and what you have to get done as an actor. It’s a tight rope to walk.

Things have grown immensely on that stage over the last few days. It’s one of those shows that will continue to grow as it goes. It’s too intricate not to.

So hopefully with a few shows under our belt we’ll begin to settle into this thing. Hopefully those people who will enjoy the material get tuned into it and come out to see us.

Now we’re just hoping to sell tickets (and of course not lose money on the show). A good review or two wouldn’t hurt either.

As always, if you saw the show and have something to say (good or bad) feel free to comment. Thanks!



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4 Responses

  1. My recommendation is bring a pillow for your seat, the show is long!! But it is worth it.

    I did notice a lot of people fanning themselves last night, but hey, it was way hotter outside. Nothing brings a smile to my face like seeing unhappy people in the heat outside who can’t get in to the mild air-conditioning because the show is sold-out and they didn’t buy season tickets!

    And yes, there’s lots of bad language, drugs, misogyny and discussions of adult subject matter. This is mature with a big M! Get the kids a baby-sitter and come out to see a show that will provoke you with characters that must be an actor’s dream.

    The subject matter will not be for everyone, but it is an opportunity to see some really great acting and some utterly hilarious moments.

    In particular Ryan, who will probably have a stroke before the end of this run, he’s on stage and giving 500% for the whole 3 hours as his character is so intense and has such a range that he demonstrates. Plus a load of intricate dialog. I don’t know if I’ve seen anyone give that much on stage.

    This one is a very typical Jobsite show as I cannot yet determine what I think of it, it will take some thought and reflection and distance before I finally decide what I’ve taken away from the show. This isn’t tv, it requires an effort from the audience.

    The first act is maybe a little slow, it takes a while to get rolling but when it does it takes-off!

    Plus you can still get season tickets at a discount and a free t-shirt!

  2. Let me put my 2 cents in as well. You all were game on from the start. All of the actors were giving, to quote my hubby, 500%
    I would like to send Kudos to Meg and Katrina they really showed they could keep up with the boys.

    We are looking forward to 2007-08 Season.

    And to make your comment about telling only one person if I liked the play I told several people on Saturday.

Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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