What’s Good? May 4 Edition

Hola, Jobsiteers! We hope that everyone is hanging in there and that folks are staying sane, safe and healthy. We also hope that you’re digging these news series we’re offering up — today we have two new episodes if you missed them on social media over the weekend, plus a few bits about what is on the horizon.

The first is a One From the Vaults with Artistic Associate Spencer Meyers. Spencer invites you into his home to see his art studio as well as share memories and mementoes from past Jobsite hits like Gorey Stories, Return the the Forbidden Planet, The 39 Steps, and of course Hedwig and the Angry Inch.

Spencer Meyers | One From the Vaults 2 from Jobsite Theater on Vimeo.

Next up we have the latest in our Socially-Distant Soliloquies series, ensemble member Matt Acquard (recently seen as Demetrius in A Midsummer Night’s Dream) gives a hilarious contemporary take on Benedick’s Act II, scene 3 monologue from Much Ado About Nothing (which you may recall Ned Averill-Snell offering on our stage just a few years ago). Do you even iambic pentameter, bro?

Matt Acquard | Socially-Distant Soliloquies from Jobsite Theater on Vimeo.

You may have also recently missed Nick Hoop’s One From the Vaults guest blog on his experience seeing The Lonesome West as well as other formative moments of theater-attendance here in the Tampa Bay area. He really misses it, and we all agree. Give it a read!

This week we are dropping a special pre-recorded Zoom delight from Amy E. Gray and Caitlin Eason, a call for questions for a very special Stage Management Q&A session from Vivian Rodriguez, and make sure to join us on Thu., May 7, from 8-9pm on Facebook Live as the Jobsite Artistic Associates offer a virtual happy hour full of banter,  personal updates, pet-appearances, and answers to your questions! We’ve got a lot more in the pipeline, but we’re not trying to get too carried away all at once. Odds are, we’re going to be here for a while.

If you enjoy this content while the theater is shut down amid the coronavirus crisis, we urge you to leave a “tip” by donating any amount whatsoever. Every $1 counts at a time like this. Whatever we raise now while we cannot earn through ticket sales (where 65% of our annual revenue comes from) will help ensure that once we re-open we won’t skip a beat. 

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Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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