We’re smack-dab in the middle of another weekend of Pericles. We have just 6 more shows remaining – tonight at 8, tomorrow at 4 and then four shows next week.
Then that’s it. Poof. Gone. No mas. Sayonara.

Joe Popp will head back out of town to enjoy the rest of his sabbatical. Shawn and Neil will revisit their book, make some final changes from the run and start to plan their next great caper. I’ll go immediately into producing both And Baby Makes Seven and Night of The Living Dead – simultaneously. The cast and crew will scatter away to all points, heading to other projects or just to take it easy for a little bit and bask in the glow of a project well-done.
It’s both the beauty and a shame of what we do – it’s temporal, and wholly effected by the live energy created between artists in space giving it their all and that collective of bodies on the other side responding. In that regard it’s no different than a regular concert or a stand-up comedian or any other kind of public performance. It’s an experience, and it only exists in this certain tiny window. The quality of that experience is also dictated by the number of people there, and how much they give back.
I’ve never heard so many superlatives from a cast and crew – “best ever,” “most fun,” “I could do this show forever,” “my favorite,” “I want to do just this for the rest of my life.” That says something. The people that are coming are loving it. People are AMPED after the show – cast and audience alike. It’s had four sensational reviews.

My only complaint is that it’s not sold out every night. Which is fixable, even if it’s flummoxing. This show is getting too good of buzz – it’s frankly just too damn good – to not be at capacity every single night.
This is where you come in (I’m sure you already guessed) … You’ve no doubt read about the show. You’ve probably even heard about it from friends or acquaintances or even just random strangers on the internet …
What’s stopping you personally from picking up a ticket, from coming out and having a great night of laughs and rockin’ fun? I’m honestly asking, because I honestly want to know.

If you’ve been around us a while, and whether you’ve been out to see this show or not – what do you think we could be doing a lot better to get people in the door? Again – I really want to know. Don’t hold back.
If you’re one who has been on the fence as to when to come but keeps saying you’re going to make it out, you can take stance now and help us out a lot by coming to tomorrow’s 4pm matinee. If that’s not possible, why not tonight at 8? That’s not going to work either? We have shows next Thu. – Sat. at 8p and again next Sun. at 4p. That’s directly in our order of preference, if that means anything to you at all. 🙂
If you have made it out already – first of all, THANK YOU. Got any friends, acquaintances or colleagues you can tap for us? That’d sure mean a lot.