What are people saying about Hurlyburly?

Don’t forget that there are only two more weeks – or eight shows – remaining of David Rabe’s Hurlyburly.

Check out what people are saying (ok, so other than the show is long – it’s three hours with an intermission, deal with it! If you’ve sat through any of the Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings movies you’ve sat still for longer than this show – at least we give you a break!):

“My untutored view is that “Hurlyburly” is, head and shoulders, the finest Jobsite production I’ve seen. The utterly unabated intensity. The coherent busyness of the business and mess of the set. Convincing and gripping performances … We thoroughtly enjoyed the show, and look forward to next season.” – Bob Appleyard, via email

“Get the kids a baby-sitter and come out to see a show that will provoke you with characters that must be an actor’s dream.” – David Hood, via blog

“‘Hurlyburly’ bombards the audience with philosophical diatribes on the meaning of life … Each character wears a defense – be it pharmaceuticals, violence or promiscuity – to staunch his or her worries … Their joking brings a much-needed levity to the play’s heavier themes … Fine acting and fast-paced direction …” – The Tampa Tribune

“McCarthy and Jenkins give frighteningly frantic, committed performances, offset beautifully by Meg Heimstead, excellent as always as the only appealing character (who, for reasons we never discover, cares deeply for Eddie).” – St. Pete Times

And now, as a special only to the Jobsite blog, I present to you the finest thing I think I’ve seen on this production, as submitted to the cast and crew of the show after opening night. This is from Flying Squirrel Kari Goetz and is being offered here in its entirety (with a few censor marks to protect the easily offended):

Dear Hurlyburly “Family” –

I just wanted to let you know how deeply sickened I was by your performances last night. I have to say that when Jobsite opened this season by crucifying a child I thought we might have reached the pinnacle of our depravity.

Last night you sank us to a whole new level. It was beautiful!

I cannot tell you how proud I am to know that I am a part of such a dynamic and talented group of scum sucking turds. You all truly made me want to take the gun that the hyperbole besotted playwright introduces in the first five minutes of the show and shoot you all. And for such different and highly justifiable reasons! You were all so wonderfully deplorable!

I learned so much from you all last night. I learned that doing a lot of blow and giving oral sex to strangers in front of minors is OKAY! I learned that being a f*ck puppet to two degenerate roommates is kinda confusing but FUN! I learned that violence against women doesn’t count if the woman looks really good in her underwear! I learned that ice cream, frosted flakes, raisins and beer is a perfectly acceptable snack food!

But in the end, I learned so much more about myself.

Last night you took risks and made choices that inspired me to go home, drink a half a bottle of bourbon, beat the sh*t out of my boyfriend with an electrical cord while he was sleeping, and sodomize the dog with a spatula.

Thank you for that. You know your doing good work when you affect the lives of your patrons.

So seriously, you deliciously depraved, sick, self-absorbed, psychotic, coke soaked and sexually confused bastards – well done! Well Done! Well Done!

I look forward to seeing you all closing weekend to see just how much more you will find in that time to disgust me.

Love and Kisses,



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Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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