We’re hiring technicians!

UPDATED FEB. 24, 2017!

Jobsite Theater, resident theater company of the Straz Center and winner of six 2016 Creative Loafing Best of the Bay Awards and eight 2016 BroadwayWorld Regional Awards, is currently looking for Costume Designers, Scenic Designers, Lighting Designers, Technical Directors, Stitchers, and Scenic Painters. Some of these positions are in the interview process now as we have immediate needs for the final two plays in the season, Gloucester Blue and Cloud 9, and we will be will considering applications to all positions for the 2017-18 season. At this time we are hiring on a by-show basis but are open to the idea of bundling shows for the right people. All positions work as seasonal independent contractors (1099) for the organization. Jobsite is an EOE.

Please read the below jobs descriptions and, if interested, submit a current theatrical resume along with links to any relevant reviews and/or work samples to auditions AT jobsitetheater DOT org. Please double-check your spelling, we’re an “er” and not an “re.” We will interview for both positions until they are filled.

Ideal candidates are local to the Tampa Bay area with reliable transportation and good, current references. Jobsite is unable to work with IATSE contracts in the Shimberg Playhouse but has contracted through USA, and we cannot offer travel, housing, or per diems.

Our most immediate need is for the position of Technical Director, we’re currently in the hiring process for the final two shows and hope to have both posts filled no later than mid March. We hope to have all technical posts for the 2017-18 season finalized no later than the end of June.

Full job descriptions are not yet ready for Scenic Designers, Lighting Designers, Stitchers, and Scenic Painters, but we welcome applications for those posts as well. If you have already applied for any of these positions since the beginning of the new year there is no need to resubmit, but we welcome contact to inquire about the status of your application.



These are the basic requirements for the Technical Director for any production produced by Jobsite Theater. Technical Directors must keep the Scenic Designer, Director, and Stage Management team informed of progress on a daily basis. Duties include but are not limited to:

  1. Design Phase

Read the script in advance of any meetings. Prepare budget and planning workbook. Acquire budget and scheduling information from the Stage Manager. Become familiar with production timeline as shown in the season calendar. Attend design meetings if requested. Be available to assist artistic team. Learn Jobsite purchasing and accounting procedures.

  1. Budget Phase

Develop a list of production requirements. Attend any budget, planning, or production meetings as requested. Develop materials and labor estimates. Research construction procedures. Research safety and health concerns. Develop preliminary schedules for offsite and onsite build/paint. Develop a plan for volunteer/overhire labor to execute the design. Make sure scenic design meets all applicable safety, building, and fire codes.

  1. Pre-Construction Phase

Price-shop and order materials. Produce construction drawings. Develop a build (including paint) schedule. Develop load-in schedule. Communicate budget and schedule to Scenic Designer, Stage Manager, and Producing Artistic Director. Follow all purchasing and accounting procedures.

  1. Construction Phase

Produce and communicate technical drawings and schedules to production team. Monitor budget, schedule, and daily progress of scenery construction. Address all developments due to changes during the rehearsal process. Attend all production meetings. In cooperation with Stage Manager, set call times for any in-space volunteer or overhire pools to not conflict with rehearsals.

  1. Load-In Phase

Supervise load-in procedures. Update Stage Manager, Director, and Scenic Designer of progress on a daily basis. Develop training procedures for volunteers and interns.

  1. Technical Rehearsal Phase

Attend all Designer Runs, Technical, and Dress Rehearsals. Monitor rehearsals to ensure safe operating procedures and conditions. The set is to be 100% complete before the production team enters the space on the day of the 10 out of 12 rehearsal. Failure will result in financial penalty.

  1. Performance Phase

Monitor and respond to Performance Reports. Inspect all technical production elements as needed. Develop Strike Plan inclusive of volunteer/overhire plans. Communicate daily notes, strike call times, and strike requirements to volunteers and overhire pool.

  1. Strike

Supervise strike to ensure orderly and safe tear down, demolition, and/or storage of scenic, lighting, sound, and property elements. Ensure the space is free, clear, and clean on our exit inclusive of the accessible bathroom in the rear of the space, the dimmer room, and the storage closet.


For a theater of our size, the Costumer oversees the completion of both made-to-order and pulled costumes for the stage. This is not simply design but also covers construction and run maintenance unless otherwise contracted. These are the basic requirements for the Costumer for any production produced by Jobsite Theater. Costumers must keep the Director and Stage Management team informed of progress on a daily basis. Duties include but are not limited to:

  1. Design Phase

Read the script in advance of any meetings. Schedule a preliminary idea meeting with the Director, from which renderings will be provided. Renderings may be provided in the medium preferred by the designer (Pinterest board, drawings, etc) so long as the Director and Actors are able to get a clear idea of the design. Prepare budget and planning workbook. Acquire budget and scheduling information from the Stage Manager. Become familiar with production timeline as shown in the season calendar. Attend production meetings. Learn Jobsite purchasing and accounting procedures.

  1. Budget Phase

Develop a list of production requirements. Attend any budget, planning, or production meetings as requested. Develop materials and labor estimates. Research construction procedures. Research safety and health concerns. Develop a plan for volunteer/overhire labor to execute the design. Make sure design meets all applicable safety and health codes.

  1. Pre-Loadin Phase

Price-shop and order materials. Develop a load-in schedule. Communicate budget and schedule to Stage Manager and Producing Artistic Director. Follow all purchasing and accounting procedures. Monitor budget, schedule, and daily progress of design implementation. Address all developments due to changes during the rehearsal process. Attend all production meetings. In cooperation with Stage Manager.

  1. Loadin Phase

Follow loadin plan. Update Stage Manager, Director, and Actors of progress on a daily basis.

  1. Technical Rehearsal Phase

Attend all Designer Runs, Technical, and Dress Rehearsals. Monitor rehearsals to ensure safe operating procedures and conditions. Costumes are to be 100% complete before the production team enters the space on the day of the 10 out of 12 rehearsal. Failure will result in financial penalty.

  1. Performance Phase

Monitor and respond to Performance Reports. Inspect all garments as needed. Develop Strike Plan including any repairs and cleaning that needs to occur before any borrowed items are returned or items are put back in stock

  1. Strike

Supervise strike to ensure orderly egress of all costume elements. Ensure the dressing room space is free, clear, and clean on our exit.

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Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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