Welcome Our New Artistic Associates!

Jobsite was founded as an artist-based ensemble theater (inspired by companies like Steppenwolf, San Francisco Mime Troupe, and Berliner Ensemble), powered by a collective of Artistic Associates. The Artistic Associates assist in programming and serve as the Producing Artistic Director’s inner council.

The Network of Ensemble Theaters, of which we are a member, defines an ensemble as “a group of individuals dedicated to collaborative creation, committed to working together consistently over years to develop a distinctive body of work and practices.” This is why you might notice many of the same artists involved in our productions from season to season, just as we continue to bring in new artists on a regular basis.

We’re excited to welcome four new Artistic Associates: Roxanne Fay (Henry V, DOUBT), Andresia Moseley (DOUBT, Twilight: Los Angeles 1992), Maggie Phillips (The Threepenny Opera, Time Stands Still), and Kara Sotakoun (Henry V, Hand to God). These new Artistic Associates will be valued additions as we undertake the process of selecting our 2022-23 season. 

I sincerely could go on for days about each and every one of them (I honestly owe each of them a spotlight post). I’ve known Maggie since she was a student at the Patel Conservatory and a tech volunteer for Jobsite before gracing us with stunning performances in both the Shimberg and Jaeb. Roxanne is a kindred spirit in how she does it all as an artist/producer and is no stranger to finding brilliant ways to do big things without big money. She’s also, unsurprisingly, become an audience favorite on regional stages. I’ve known Andresia for years but have only in the last year and a half really been able to develop a friendship and working relationship with her through DOUBT (cancelled in Mar. 2020 and finally presented in Jan.) and Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992. Kara made an instant impression on all of us during A Midsummer Night’s Dream before the closures and is someone I’ve grown to admire even more as a human and artist over the past four months working back to back on Hand to God and Henry V.

The perspectives and insights they bring to our group will no doubt be invaluable. 

The play selection function of the Artistic Associates has been on pause for a year and a half as we’ve continued to react to the pandemic. Even as we’ve begun producing again, the shows have largely been “make-goods” on titles already selected and contracted prior to the closures. The upcoming 2021-22 season will be a collection of plays suspended from the 2019-20 and 2020-21 seasons. Since we’ve already paid advance royalties, developed artwork, and begun prep-work on these shows we chose not to waste those resources in a time that’s already very lean.

We look forward to the contributions of these four amazing humans in the coming year and are thankful for their dedication to Jobsite! Anyone who has witnessed their work knows what they bring to our organization.

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Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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