Vote us Best Theater Company!

We’re honored you took the time to nominate us, our shows, and our artists for the 2021 Creative Loafing Best of the Bay Awards. VOTE NOW to make your final choices! As the first theater company in the region to get back to live work, we have a full season of offerings on the board. Note: Arts is a separate category than Entertainment this year, and most of our noms fall under the latter.
Under you’ll find both Roxanne Fay (the upcoming Dr. Ride’s American Beach House) and David M. Jenkins (TWILIGHT, Hand to God, Henry V, Shockheaded Peter) up for Best Stage Director.
Under you’ll find these categories:
Best Actor: Adam Workman (Henry V), Brian Shea (Hand to God, Henry V), Giles Davies (Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus), Nick Hoop (Hand to God), Paul Potenza (Shockheaded Peter)
Andresia Moseley in Jobsite's Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992.
Andresia Moseley in Jobsite’s Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992.
Best Actress: Andresia Moseley (Twilight: Los Angeles 1992, Doubt), Colleen Cherry (Shockheaded Peter), Katrina Stevenson (Hand to God, Henry V, Shockheaded Peter), Roxanne Fay (Doubt, Henry V)
The Ensemble of Jobsite's Shockheaded Peter. (Photo: James Zambon Photography)
The Ensemble of Jobsite’s Shockheaded Peter. (Photo: James Zambon Photography)
Best Experimental Act: Shockheaded Peter
Best Performing Arts Center: Jobsite (ok … you guys …)
Best Theater Company: Jobsite (woo hoo!)
Best Theatrical Production: Hand to God, Much Ado About Nothing (alright, y’all are getting silly now — we produced that back in 2013!), Shockheaded Peter
Congrats to the all nominees, it’s been a YEAR y’all. We ALL deserve to celebrate. <3

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Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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