Top 100 songs of 1984

Hurlyburly is set in 1984. We know that will end up translating into some fun hair, clothes and of course – music.

Out of curiosity I decided to look up the Top 100 songs of 1984, for my own reference and to get a jump-start on putting a music bed together for the show. I didn’t realize exactly how much of this music I knew like the back of my hand. I guarantee I could sing just about any of those. Not saying I’d do them all well or anything, just saying.

I was 10 years old in 1984. Offhand major memories of that year for me: Ghostbusters – the first film I’d see with friends (and girls!) without adult supervision, my first ‘girlfriend’ Joanna (who I could couples-skate with to the Kool and the Gang song by the same name!), the Thriller video premiere, and my grandmother’s passing. It was a big year.



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