Ticket Donations

One of Jobsite’s core values is performing to the broadest possible audience, and that means ensuring that our work is accessible to everyone. The economics of theater are hard, we also have bills to pay and the only income we can rely on in the face of brutal government cuts to arts funding and reduced individual and corporate giving is through ticket sales — that means we’ve adopted a variable pricing structure that puts a premium on seats to popular shows. Our free ticket program aims to balance the scales to the other side for those without means.

We offer thousands of free tickets every year to middle and high school students, regional artists, community organizations, and charities. Since 1998 we have also offered half-off tickets to students, military/veterans and their families, members of the performing arts community, and more.

As part of our continuing efforts to increase access and create a more inclusive community we offer individuals in the community access to these free tickets thanks to the generosity of season passholders and donors who have created a bank of tickets per production to be distributed. If you are a passholder or donor who would like to contribute to this bank, please contact us!

We accept donation requests that meet the following guidelines:

On This Page

For Individuals

  1. The person requesting the tickets must live in Hillsborough or an adjacent county (Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando, etc).
  2. The request must include 1) the title of the production, 2) a first, second, and third date and time preference, and 3) specify a need for donated tickets.
  3. The name of the person picking up the tickets as it appears on official-issue ID must be included, as well as a phone number, email and mailing address. This is important since the Straz Box Office will not release tickets unless the name matches the ID and we now prefer paperless transactions if possible. If you already have a StrazToGo app, let us know in the request so that we can simply drop tickets in the app.
  4. The request must be sent no later than 2 weeks out from the first performance date requested.
  5. Donated tickets carry no cash value and may not be resold.
  6. Tickets may not be exchanged for a different date once granted.
  7. You will be notified by email and the tickets will be available for pickup from will-call one hour before your performance.
  8. Jobsite staff may follow up with you to discuss your experience and seek additional information after the performance.

Please Note

It is not possible for us to fulfill every request as our inventory is limited and productions often sell out far in advance. Submit requests as early as you can for the best odds at getting your first choice of date.

For regional charities & community organizations

  1. The requesting organization must be housed in Hillsborough or an adjacent county.
  2. The requesting organization must be a registered 501 (c)(3) or a community-serving organization with a 501 (c)(3) sponsor.
  3. The donation request must be submitted on the organization’s letterhead and include the 501 (c)(3) tax identification number as well as a description, date and location of your event.
  4. Requests must be submitted a minimum of one month before your event.
  5. Please provide an address where the certificate may be mailed in the event your request is approved along with a contact name, phone number, and email address.
  6. Submit your request as a PDF attachment.
  7. Tickets may not be re-sold or exchanged for a different date once awarded and distributed as intended (that is to say if tickets are used in a silent auction, the winner of the auction may not re-sell those tickets).
  8. Organizations awarded tickets agree to allow Jobsite to use their name for informational and granting purposes. Jobsite may solicit additional information and/or testimonials from recipients.

Please note

It is not possible for us to fulfill every request as our inventory is limited and we are also a nonprofit. If your request is approved, we will contact you using the information provided in the request.

Tickets Contact

General questions and information regarding tickets, group rates, discounts, and individual ticket donations.

Attachments are limited to 5MB. Accepted files types are .pdf.

Organization Ticket Request

Request tickets to be donated to your organization.

Attachments are limited to 10MB. Accepted files types are .pdf.

Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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Ask about volunteering for shows, fundraisers, or just Jobsite in general.

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All the Best Stuff

Technical Director Contact

Questions for our Technical Director.

Staged Readings Contact

To perform in a reading, have your script considered, or have other Staged Readings questions.

Attachments are limited to 5MB per attachment. Accepted files types are .jpg, .gif, .pdf, .txt, .doc, .png.

Contact The Artistic Director

Get in touch with Artistic Director David M. Jenkins for all business and production related questions and touring information.

Contact The Development Chair

Donating to fundraisers, plus any other grant or sponsorship questions.

Auditions Contact

Audition questions, scheduling, resumes and headshots. Also, read about our auditions for more info.

Attachments are limited to 5MB per attachment. Accepted files types are .jpg, .gif, .pdf, .txt, .doc, .png.

Donations & Support Contact

Be a Jobsite sponsor, send us something from our wishlist, advertising questions, etc.

Contact The Webmaster

Email our Online Producer regarding website questions, broken links and general kudos for all around groovy site design.