Throwback Thursday: HIR

This week’s #ThrowbackThursday is to 2018 and our production of Taylor Mac‘s HIR. A mid-season replacement and response to the #MeToo / #TimesUp movements, the show starred regional vets Roxanne Fay and Ned Averill-Snell as well as the Shimberg debuts of both Robert “Spence” Gabriel and Salem “Newt” Brophy. One of our more critically-lauded productions in recent memory, it earned Roxanne Fay a nod in BroadwayWorld‘s Best Performances of the Decade list, a Creative Loafing Tampa Best of the Bay Award for “Best Script-Flipping on Sexual Abuse,” and a Theatre Tampa Bay nomination for David M. Jenkins (Outstanding Director of a Play). The play polarized audiences in how it attacked certain traditional norms with gusto, intentionally generating uncomfortable moments that people either found cathartic or too transgressive.

Enjoy this monologue from a tech rehearsal of an incredible smart, slyly subversive play that practically gave regional audiences whiplash in how it worked the extremes between high tragedy and low-brow comedy.

Jobsite Theater | LGBTTQQSSIA HIR from Jobsite Theater on Vimeo.

If you enjoy this content while the theater is shut down amid the coronavirus crisis, we urge you to leave a “tip” by donating any amount whatsoever. Every $1 counts at a time like this. Whatever we raise now while we cannot earn through ticket sales (where 65% of our annual revenue comes from) will help ensure that once we re-open we won’t skip a beat. 

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