THANK YOU for a great Give Day!

As the final numbers seem to be coming into focus, I wanted to take a quick moment and thank everyone who helped make Give Day Tampa Bay 18 such a huge success.

Thank you all so much: for the gifts, for the shares, for your love, for joining us to celebrate at The Refinery. The $17,350 raised could not have come at a better time. This season has been plagued with financial woes from Hurricane Irma’s devastation of our season opener to massive cuts to Florida’s arts & culture budget — this surely helps put us a bit back on the right track. We’re now 41% to our overall 2018 fundraising goal. If you missed us on Give Day but would still like to support our Annual Campaign, you can still make a gift.

The $17,350 raised breaks down like this: $5,000 came from our board and $5,000 came from Gobioff Foundation in the form of matching grants, $1,200 was awarded to us for meeting certain goals over the course of the day, and the remainder was raised by the community in the form of both online and offline gifts on May 1. It’s also more money than we’ve ever raised on a single day or during a single event.

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Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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