SILENCE!, Time Stands Still heavily nominated + 75% to our 2016 goal!

With the end of the year upon us I was hoping that you would take a moment and vote in the regional awards (ugh, I know, another ballot). We’ve been nominated for Best Professional Theater Company and our productions of SILENCE! The Musical and Time Stands Still have been heavily nominated across all categories (and are both already Creative Loafing Best of the Bay winners). Thanks in advance for your help!

Here’s what was nominated (and hopefully your votes!):

  • Best Actor in a Musical: both Jonathan Harrison (Hannibal) and Spencer Meyers (Buffalo Bill), SILENCE! The Musical
  • Best Actor in a Play: David Jenkins (James), Time Stands Still
  • Best Actress in a Musical: both Amy Gray (Agent Shtarling) and Colleen Cherry (Mulitple Miggs, Lamb), SILENCE! The Musical
  • Best Actress in a Play: Joanna Sycz (Sarah), Time Stands Still
  • Best Choreographer: Alison Burns Jackson, SILENCE! The Musical
  • Best Director/Musical: David Jenkins, SILENCE! The Musical
  • Best Director/Play: Summer Bohnenkamp (Time Stands Still) and Paul Potenza (Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike)
  • Best Lighting Design: Brian Smallheer, Time Stands Still
  • Best Music Director: Robert Jarosh, SILENCE! The Musical
  • Best Musical: SILENCE! The Musical
  • Best Play: Time Stands Still
  • Best Professional Theater Company: Jobsite Theater
  • Best Scenic Design: Brian Smallheer, Time Stands Still
  • Best Sound Design: David Cohen, SILENCE! The Musical

We’re running out of time for our first annual campaign, we have just over 25% left to go. The great news is that the Gobioff Foundation is still matching all gifts $1 for $1, so we only need to raise just over $7,500 from the public in order to make goal. $5 or $5,000 — every contribution makes an impact on our work. Whether you’d like to think of it as a tip for a job well done on the last show you saw or an investment in the rich cultural tapestry being woven right now all over the Tampa Bay area, we need you!

We’ll be back on the Shimberg stage with Shakespeare’s As You Like It in January, a smart comedy with some of the most iconic lines penned for any play. Join Rosalind, Orlando, Touchstone, Jaques et al in Arden for thoughtful laughter, beautiful music, and even a wrestling match! Starring Becca McCoy, Roxanne Fay, Emily Belvo, Derrick Phillips, Shawn Paonessa, Lauren Field, Katrina Stevenson, Jessy Julianna Quinones, Michael C. McGreevy, Jordan Foote, Alvin Jenkins and Spencer Meyers. Shows are already selling out, so book in advance. You can still pick up a season pass for the remaining four shows on the season and save over $12 per ticket versus the cost of buying a single ticket and paying service charges. Plus season ticket holders enjoy great benefits like FREE and easy exchanges when life inevitably gets in the way.

Mon., Nov. 14, at 8pm is the Some Sort of Theater Awards show in the Shimberg. Come join members of the Bay Area theater community to help us celebrate another great year and a great community!

Finally, I hope you can join us on Sat., Dec. 3 for our annual end of the year blowout/fundraiser at New World Brewery, Jobsite Rocks! This year we’ll have a variety of acts including some PRETTY cool stuff we almost have confirmed that you will not want to miss. Doors at 8, show begins at 9. $8, FREE for Rock Stars.

Hope to see you all out soon!


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Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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