Season tickets save you over $10 per person, per ticket!

Did you miss our 30% off early bird offer that expired on 7/31?  Well, don’t let this offer escape you!

Starting with Fahrenheit 451, our single ticket price is going up for the first time in almost six years. We didn’t want to, we simply have to. We’re still among the most affordable professional theater tickets in the region.
That’s not the only reason why you should buy season tickets. We’ve often worked the “feel good about yourself” and “help make us stable” angles in selling season tickets. Today, I’m just here to write about it from the standpoint of your pocketbook. Who doesn’t like to save money?

We’re doing less and less discounting, and when we are, the discounts are super-select and super-targeted. They’re also not undercutting what we sell season tickets for, because that’s not fair to our best supporters. Things cost what they cost, and we’re pricing our work at what we feel is the fairest rate. At a certain point you’re just rewarding bad behavior with last-minute drastic deals.

So, when you consider your options on tickets (if you are not a student, senior citizen or member of the military who can take advantage of rush tickets when they are available), this is what the math looks like if we pretend 2 people are going together to see our shows:

A single ticket is $28. If you buy those tickets online or over the phone, there will be $10.90 in fees added. We do not set the rates on fees, nor does that money come to us directly. Those are fees levied by the Straz Center and go to cover their expenses. Those two tickets are now a total of $66.90, or $33.45 per person.
A ticket to a show when purchased as a season pass now costs just $22.40. Now factor into that 1/6 of the one-time $10 handling fee per order (no matter how many season passes you buy), and those two tickets are now just $46.47, or $23.23 a person. That’s over $10 less per person, which can be better spent enjoying yourself before or after the show.

Our season lineup is one of our best: Fahrenheit 451, Gorey Stories, Hay Fever, Much Ado About Nothing, Behind The Gates, and The Lonesome West.

As a season ticket holder, we will bend over backward to accommodate your schedule if you have to change the night you can come. Just get in touch. You can bring more friends if they feel like coming and save them 10% on their tickets. We give you all sorts of readings and side projects throughout the year. And, yeah, you really do make a big difference in the stability of our organization and should feel all warm and fuzzy knowing you’re doing good things for the arts.

Hope to see you all at the theater in Sep. as we kick off another season of quality, engaging theater!

David M. Jenkins
Producing Artistic Director



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Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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