Scenic Intern Needed!

Jobsite Theater is looking for a scenic intern for the spring. This position is geared toward students or early-career professionals looking for hands-on experience and training in theatrical production. This position is unpaid, however stipends may be available in certain circumstances. Jobsite is the independent resident theater company at the Straz Center for the Performing Arts.

Interested applicants should submit a cover letter, resume, and any previous work samples.

Start date range: Feb 16-23
End date: May 25th
Load-in weeks (most hours will be needed these weeks):
Orlando – Feb 23 – 27
Annapurna – April 20 – 24

Scenic interns will work with the Scenic Designer and TD to fabricate, install, and strike scenery. Interns will be introduced to: safe operation of power tools, proper reading of technical drafts, and fabrication of scenic elements. Interns will assist with the show pre-build, load-ins, strikes, and load-outs. Duties will include working in the off-site shop fabricating the set, preparing surfaces for paint treatments by carving and adding texture, color mixing and painting sets that range from realistic interiors/exteriors to the abstract, shopping for and installing set dressing, onstage touch-ups and follow-up detailing taken from designer notes given during the tech process, and learning proper maintenance of paint shop tools and spray equipment.

Interns will work in both our offsite scene shop and the Shimberg Playhouse at the Straz Center.



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Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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