

By David Mamet

Directed by David M. Jenkins

Extended! May 10 – Jun. 3, 2012

Thu. – Sat. 8pm, Sun. 4pm

Tickets: $24.50

Shimberg Playhouse, Straz Center for the Performing Arts

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What It's About

Jobsite Theater tackles America’s most controversial topic in this provocative new tale of sex, guilt and bold accusations. Two lawyers (“ranney” and Paul Potenza) find themselves defending a wealthy white executive (Ned Averill-Snell) charged with raping a black woman. When a new legal assistant (Tia Jemison) gets involved in the case, opinions that boil beneath explode to the surface. When David Mamet turns the spotlight on what we think but can’t say, dangerous truths are revealed, and no punches are spared. The Chicago Tribune says that Mamet’s new play “argues, everything in America — and this play throws sex, rape, the law, employment and relationships into its 90 minutes of stage wrangling — is still about race.” Do we living in a “postracist” society? What gets erased or ignored when we claim that we’re “past” race, or in fact any issue of difference? Come be a part of the conversation!


Race contains adult language and subject matter and is intended for an adult audience.

Special Events

We’re excited to host a public forum on Sun., May 13 after the 4pm performance of Race. This panel on race relations in America will include Dr. Abraham Khan (USF Depts. of Communication, Africana Studies), noted author and professor Dr. Roy Kaplan, Alisha Menzies (USF Dept. of Communication) and director David M. Jenkins. This talkback is made possible in part by a grant from the Communication for Social Change reviewer’s award, Community Research Alliance.
(L-R) Ned-Averill-Snell, "ranney", Paul Potenza and Tia Jemison in Jobsite's Race. (Photo by Brian Smallheer.)

There is intrigue within intrigue, showing how personal prejudice and individual missteps govern the course of things ... adroitly mixes comic darts with tragic arrows. – Bloomberg News

Scapel-edged intelligence. – New York Times

Provocative and profane. – NY-1

Critic Reviews

Jobsite Theater does a fine job keeping pace with David Mamet's latest brain-buster ... the dialogue is armed and dangerous. – Tampa Tribune

a postmodern, stimulating dramatic riff ... Race shows the master on his best behavior again: shocking, obscene, but all in the service of a true vision. If you follow the play attentively, you'll find yourself on one wild, at times thrilling ride. – Creative Loafing

an enthralling production. – Tampa Bay Times


Cast & Crew

  • David M. Jenkins – Director
  • Matthew Ray – Stage Manager


  • Ned Averill-Snell – Charles
  • Tia Jemison – Susan
  • Paul J. Potenza – Jack
  • “ranney” – Henry


  • David M. Jenkins – Sound Designer
  • Greg Newcomb – Poster Artist
  • Brian M. Smallheer – Scenic and Lighting Designer
  • Katrina Stevenson – Costume Designer

Patron Reviews

The show brought on about 30 minutes of discussion between my son and I on our hour’s drive back home. Thank you very much for a great performance! – Holly Kirchman

Fantastic show! Loved every minute of it! – Joey Weeks

Enjoyed Jobsite Theater’s Race last night. The actors were fabulous, awesome set and really makes you think. Go check this out. – Kim Smallheer

RACE was AWESOME! Those dudes can put on a killer show. Go watch it! – Rhapsody Drehs

Really great show. One of the best I’ve seen at Jobsite. Congrats to everyone involved. – Kerry Glamsch

Truly great theater is happening at The Straz’s Shimberg theater, Jobsite’s production of David Mamet’s Race. Thought provoking and in your face! See this! – Beth Hood

Do not miss this play. I was so impressed with the characters and the impact this play had on me and the audience. – Jenny Lind Olin

Go see Race, it runs two more weeks. It is one of Jobsite’s top productions, ascending to the heights of Embedded and The Goat. Also their best production of a Mamet play. – David Hood

If you are in Tampa – see @jobsitetheater do Race by Mamet. You will be glad you did. #supportlocaltheater #itkicksass – @flsquirrel

Go see Jobsite Theater’s Race. You will not be disappointed. – @missspot

Saw @jobsitetheater’s production of RACE last night… very powerful! Even though I’m not a Mamet fan, we thoroughly enjoyed it! – @ChristenP

I know you’ve heard me rave about Jobsite before, but this play is a MUST see!! – Mayra Calo

BRAVO!!! The play was masterfully directed, the actors were great, and the script is now my favorite Mamet – did not feel like a play at all. – Mariaelena Bartesaghi

As anticipated, RACE last night was thought-provoking and witty. The show moves, too. Although I would have gladly stayed for a longer evening of such compelling drama, I always appreciate when a play leaves me eager to ponder the ideas it presented, instead of exhausted from struggling to endure hours of prolonged posturing without a premise. – Susan Stone-Lawrence

Easily one of the best Jobsite productions I’ve seen in a long time. Well f-ing done! – Shawn Paonessa

Went to see David Mamet’s Race at Jobsite Theater today. Highly recommend it if you have a chance to go. The post show discussion was thought provoking, I may have to blog about it after I let it settle in a bit. – Kristin Lohr

Fantastic show! Loved every minute of it! Great job cast and crew of Race! – Joey Weeks

Congratulations, Jobsite! The cast did a remarkable job of presenting this complicated play. Thanks for your contest, but mostly, thank you for presenting a play which asks questions about the state of racial relationships in America without preachiness or simple answers. A great night of theater. – Rick Stutzel

Saw @jobsitetheater’s production of “Race” tonight with @thatboyrion. SOOOO solid. Mamet can be easily screwed up. They were awesome. – Melowsh

Saw yet another great play at the Straz from @jobsitetheater called Race. Always a great show, and the best theater value in Tampa. Bravo. – @DaveMagliano

Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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