POTUS casting information

POTUS callbacks

We have new information on the casting for POTUS: Or, Behind Every Great Dumbass are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive occurring in advance of the Theatre Tampa Bay Unified Auditions.

Interested performers should submit a current headshot and resume as a single PDF document (no separate image and doc files, please) to artisticdirector@jobsitetheater.org no later than June 16. We encourage performers to submit ASAP to allow more time for preparation if we require additional things and to prepare for the callback date.

Invitations to performers of interest will be made within a few days of receipt, and may consist of a request to self-tape a side from the script or to directly prepare for the in-person callback at the Straz Center on Mon., June 24, at 5:30. There is no virtual/taped option for the callback.

Performers attending Unifieds June 15 will also be considered to submit a recorded side or attend callbacks, it is your choice to send materials in advance or not. Performers already in communication with the director about this show are encouraged to reach out again to check in.

POTUS boasts a cast of 7 fast, fierce, fearless, f*cking hilarious women.

Available roles:

HARRIET – Late 40s-60s. Any ethnicity. Chief of Staff. A political bulldog who has chosen every aspect of her life, appearance, and personality in service of her career. A sexless, humorless woman who lives and dies by the polls. Everything is a means to the end.

JEAN – Late 40s-60s. Any ethnicity. Press Secretary. A hawk in a turtleneck. High-strung, quick-witted, can handle any pressroom and sterilize any scandal. A single working mom. Harriet’s more polished and more tactful counterpart. CJ from The West Wing, but with more cynicism and paranoia.

STEPHANIE – 20s-30s. Any ethnicity. Presidential secretary. An obedient and diminutive millennial, terrified of failure and perpetually on the edge of breakdown. Deeply brilliant, just suffers imposter syndrome. So much potential just waiting to be set free.

DUSTY – 20s-30s. Any ethnicity. President’s plaything. A glowing, curious, sex-positive girl with a multitude of skills and a bright future. Loves civic duty! Loves democracy! Determined to make the world better!

BERNADETTE – Late 30s-50s. White. President’s sister. A dumpster fire. Strife and mayhem. A coked-up tornado with raw sexual charisma, fiery temper, and fantastic sense of humor. Jean’s kryptonite.

CHRIS – 30s-40s. Black. A journalist. Overburdened, under-slept, postpartum, newly-divorced, on the brink of irrelevancy. A dogged reporter with much to gain and everything to lose.

MARGARET – Late 40s-60s. Black. The First Lady. An impeccable combination of high fashion, corporate experience, and legal savvy. Regal, sophisticated, brimming with bitterness and pent-up rage. Goes for the jugular.

Rehearsals start Aug. 6 with a run Sep. 4-29. Rehearsals are expected to be Tu-Th evenings 6:45-10:30 and 1-5 Sa-Su at the Straz Center downtown. Performers must be available for all performances, actual or tentative, We-Sa 7:30 and Sa-Su 2pm. All roles are competitively paid. For more contract details please see the “Contracts, Pay, the Fine Print” section of our season call.



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