Jessy Julianna

Jessy Julianna (Doña Beetle/Old Worm/Saint) was born and raised in Puerto Rico where she began pursuing theatre. She received her BA in Theater-Performance from the University of South Florida. Some of her acting credits include: Wife in Blood Wedding (HCC), Woman in Einstein’s Dreams (Jobsite Theater), Phoebe in As You Like It (Jobsite Theater), Dorine in Tarfuffe (Tampa Repertory Theatre), Yolanda in How t Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents (Stageworks Theatre), Veronica in The Motherf*cker with the Hat (Stageworks Theatre), Maria Teresa in In the Time of the Butterflies (Stagewor Theatre), Coach in All the Great Books (Think Tank Theatre), Marela in Anna in the Tropics (Stageworks Theatre), Iris in La Gringa (American Stage). She is a teaching and voiceover artist and is currently the Education and Outreach Associate at American Stage. She wishes to thank God, her friends and family, her children Noel and Esperanza, and boyfriend for their unwavering love and support.