
We are excited to be part of a growing, vibrant downtown. We understand, though, that because of multiple concurrent events at the Straz Center, and in surrounding areas, this can result in a very high volume of traffic and potential delays. 

The Straz Center has put together some commuting and parking options to help smooth your journey into Downtown Tampa. We recommend using Google Maps, Waze or a similar traffic/GPS app when planning your arrival to any of the parking areas.

We also recommend arriving in Downtown Tampa at least 90 minutes before your scheduled curtain.

Arriving early to Downtown Tampa will not only give you the chance to snag a good parking spot, but also the opportunity to explore. You can discover a new pub, take a stroll on the Riverwalk, or try out a restaurant you’ve never tried before. It may become your new favorite.

New in 2025: HARTline Route 1 is free this year with convenient drop-off and pick-up a less than 5-minute walk from the Straz! FREE!

On This Page
Straz Center For the Performing Arts

1010 N Macinnes PL
Tampa, FL 33602

Box Office: 813.229.STAR

Pre-Paid Parking

While you will not see Jobsite’s show names when you search for pre-paid parking (this is a contract-based service we are working on), you can find another event happening at the same time as ours. For instance, look for a Broadway show, a show in the Jaeb, a concert or comedy show or the orchestra with a similar curtain time as ours and buy it! Prepaid parking is sold based on the time of the show you’re attending. So, even if you do not see our show title listed, that’s OK. Simply select another show occurring at the same date/time.

Eligible parking locations are indicated below.

Parking Reservations

Check to see if this option is available for your date.

Parking Options

Straz Center Valet Parking

1010 N. WC MacInnes Place
Tampa, FL 33602
(813) 222-1000

Space is limited and parking is on a first-come, first-served basis. We recommend an early arrival.

Near the Straz

The Barrymore Hotel

111 W. Fortune St.
Tampa, FL, 33602
(813) 223-1351

Directly across the street from the Straz on the north side of the building. When you pay the $20 to park, they will give you a voucher good for $15 off of food and drinks in their Gaudin Kitchen + Bar.

Near the Straz

William F. Poe Garage

800 N. Ashley Drive
Tampa, FL 33602
(813) 274-8182 – general questions
(813) 274-8946 – special event rates

This is a close, pre-paid parking option with 160 of its 900+ spots available for pre-purchase. Please be aware that due to existing and planned construction in close proximity to the Straz Center, the pedestrian bridge from the Poe Garage to the Straz Center has been removed. Please follow the signs from the first floor of the garage to the alternate pedestrian walkway. Rates vary.

Eligible for pre-paid parking

Near the Straz

Times Building Lot

1000 N. Ashley Drive
Tampa, FL 33602
717 Parking Enterprises
(813) 228-7722

This lot opens two hours before most major Straz Center events and charges a flat fee. Space is very limited due to construction and the entrance is now on Tyler Street.

Near the Straz

Anchor Garage (formerly Novel Riverwalk Garage)

(next to the Barrymore Hotel)
109 W Fortune St
Tampa, FL 33602

The Straz Center has secured 319 parking spaces in this garage adjacent to the Barrymore Hotel that will be available to our guests every Monday-Friday after 6 p.m. and all day Saturday and Sunday. The least expensive rate for major Straz events is available only by pre-purchasing your parking. $10 per vehicle, cash only, or pre-purchase.

Eligible for pre-paid parking

Near the Straz

TECO North Lot

111 E. Cass Street
Tampa, FL 33602
(813) 228-7722

This lot is open to the public after 5 p.m. Monday-Friday and 24 hours a day on Saturday and Sunday for a flat rate of $10. This lot is located across the street from the Poe Garage on Ashley Drive. A limited number of spaces are available for pre-purchase.

Eligible for pre-paid parking

On Street Parking

Street parking using Pay Stations or the Parkmobile app is available on many of the streets surrounding the Straz Center, including near Water Works Park. The meters are free weekdays after 6 p.m. and on weekends.

Royal Regional Lot

1200 N. Tampa Street
Tampa, FL 33602
(813) 274-8179

Arrive after 6 p.m. on weekdays. Park any time on weekends. This lot is an approximate six-minute walk to The Straz and and is the most affordable option – around $3 – with 60 of its 315 spots available for pre-paid parking.

Eligible for pre-paid parking

Rivergate Tower Garage

It has the most available spaces – up to 600 – and is the least congested upon arrival and exit. Pre-pay to park here, then take a six-minute stroll along the Riverwalk or three blocks down Ashley Drive to The Straz.

Eligible for pre-paid parking

Fort Brook Parking Garage

107 N. Franklin Street
Tampa, FL 33602

There are approximately 500-600 parking spaces available and the garage is roughly a 15-minute walk from the Straz Center. You can walk down Ashley Drive or take a more leisurely stroll down the Riverwalk to the Straz Center.

Eligible for pre-paid parking


Wear your walking shoes and see everything downtown has to offer. Leave your car at home or park remotely.


A free, green ride service, vehicles operate seven days a week in Tampa’s downtown business district, which includes the Channel District, River Arts District, UT and the non-gated north end of Harbour Island. Park remotely and hail a vehicle. Rides can also be requested through the app.

$4 In-Town Taxi

Taxi rides for two or more people are only $4 per person within the In-Town Zone (Downtown, Channel District, Ybor City, Harbour Island, Davis Islands and Hyde Park). Taxis can also be hailed from all hotels and taxi stands.
Yellow Cab: (813) 888-5008
United Cab: (813) 253-2424

HART’s Trolley

This free service stops every 12-15 minutes at certain public parking locations, hotels and points of interest in Downtown Tampa. The stop at Cass/Tampa Street is a five minute walk from the Straz Center. Hours vary and service is available Mon.-Sat.

Pirate Water Taxi

Park remotely and take the Pirate Water Taxi to the Straz Center. It stops seven days a week at fixed locations along the Tampa Riverwalk.

Lyft or Uber

Perfect for guests who want to avoid parking issues and/or enjoy an adult beverage or two at the show.

Cross Bay Ferry

For guests coming from St. Pete to see a Sunday matinee, this ferry service operates between the St. Pete downtown waterfront and the Tampa Riverwalk.

Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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Ask about volunteering for shows, fundraisers, or just Jobsite in general.

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Organization Ticket Request

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Technical Director Contact

Questions for our Technical Director.

Staged Readings Contact

To perform in a reading, have your script considered, or have other Staged Readings questions.

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Contact The Artistic Director

Get in touch with Artistic Director David M. Jenkins for all business and production related questions and touring information.

Contact The Development Chair

Donating to fundraisers, plus any other grant or sponsorship questions.

Auditions Contact

Audition questions, scheduling, resumes and headshots. Also, read about our auditions for more info.

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Donations & Support Contact

Be a Jobsite sponsor, send us something from our wishlist, advertising questions, etc.

Tickets Contact

General questions and information regarding tickets, group rates, discounts, and individual ticket donations.

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Contact The Webmaster

Email our Online Producer regarding website questions, broken links and general kudos for all around groovy site design.