Our best offer: EXTENDED!

We’ve extended our best deal on tickets! 2015-16 season tickets are now available for over 30% off through Aug. 16.

For $125.70 (inclusive of fees) you get tickets to all six productions, including priority reserved seating for Silence! The Musical: The Unauthorized Parody of Silence of the Lambs in the Jaeb Theater. You’ll also get GREAT benefits like FREE entry into all Job-side Projects, a flexible exchange policy that allows you to move to another performance when life gets in the way and more. By becoming a season ticket holder, you’re also doing us a SOLID by truly helping give us the stability we need to make our shows the best they can be.

That works out to less than $21 per ticket out the door, more than $15 less than if you came on a single ticket and more than $90 over the course of the entire season.

The rest of the lineup includes Ethan Coen’s (of Coen Brothers’ fame) Almost an Evening, Israel Horovitz’s satire Lebensraum, Christopher Durang’s Broadway hit Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike, a modern-dress version of Shakespeare’s Antony & Cleopatra, and the award-winning Time Stands Still.

Don’t let this offer pass you by, order today!

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Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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