
By Virginia Woolf
Adapted by Sarah Ruhl
Directed by Giles Davies
Mar. 6 – 29, 2015
Thu. – Sat. 8pm, Sun. 4pm
Tickets: $28
Preview Performances: Mar. 4–5 | Wed. – Thr. 8pm | Tickets: $14
Shimberg Playhouse, Straz Center for the Performing Arts
This production is dedicated to the memory of Rachel Anne Lisi.
What It's About
Jobsite Theater proudly offers the southeastern United States premiere of Pulitzer and Tony Award nominated playwright and MacArthur “Genius” Fellowship recipient Sarah Ruhl’s adaptation of Virginia Woolf’s Orlando.
One of American theater’s most exciting young playwrights, Sarah Ruhl adapts Virginia Woolf’s quasi-autobiographical gender-bending novel about sex, love, and history into a joyous, dreamy piece of theater that toys with identity, time and space.
Often called the longest love letter in literary history, Virginia Woolf’s Orlando tells the story of an English nobleman and favorite of the Queen who lives for hundreds of years before falling asleep and waking up as a woman. In her new body, Orlando sets to the task of adapting to the strict gender roles of English society. Complicating Orlando’s new life is one fantastical problem: she is destined to live for hundreds more years. She survives the 19th and 20th centuries grappling with what it means to live fully in the present, in our own skin, and in our own time.
Jobsite has previously staged Ruhl’s Dead Man’s Cell Phone. Virginia Woolf’s Orlando displays Jobsite’s ongoing commitment to contemporary translations, approaches, and adaptations of classic works. The company has previously undertaken staged literature as varied in style and substance as The Hound of the Baskervilles, Fahrenheit 451 and Einstein’s Dreams.
Virginia Woolf’s Orlando is under the direction of Giles Davies, whom Jobsite audiences should be very familiar with as an actor from his roles in Twelfth Night, The Hound of the Baskervilles, Macbeth, Fahrenheit 451 and Quills. This is his first mainstage production as director for the company, having previously directed the stunning side-project 4.48 Psychosis, the Best of the Bay award winning production also named one of the Top 9 performances of 2013.
Critic Reviews
super funny, evenly-paced and warm ... a real delight.... They all have smart comic instincts, and no one is selfish on stage. – Tampa Bay Times
The ensemble cast comes together as though they were The Lost Boys telling Peter Pan the story of a great hero, sitting inside an old, oak treehouse, jumping in and out of scenes through trapdoors and from behind trees, each time in a new costume, or as a new character. There is no doubt that Jobsite brought together the absolute perfect cast.... All 5 actors wielded such powerful and enjoyable performances, that one would be hard-pressed to find fault in any of their moments on stage. Jobsite Theater’s Orlando is comedic, yet sad, fun and witty, strong and defiant, yet provocative and sexy. – Only In Tampa Bay
The spectacle of the five Jobsite performers in Stevenson’s lovely white costumes is as sophisticated as the language. The actresses, sharply directed by Giles Davies, could hardly be better.... In our sex-and-gender-obsessed society, [Orlando] feels both relevant – and all too exquisite. – Creative Loafing
skillfully staged ... Under Giles Davies’ disciplined direction, the play maintains a sure-footed motion.... Besides carrying the action as Orlando, Stevenson designed the costumes that elegantly trace a progression through 300 years of fashionable silhouettes. Emily Belvo, Nicole Jeannine Smith and Jonelle M. Meyer ably balance multiple roles throughout the two acts, portraying characters ranging from a lusty archduchess to a Russian princess to Orlando’s handsome husband. – Tampa Tribune
Cast & Crew
- Giles Davies – Director
- Matthew Ray – Stage Manager
- Emily Belvo – Sasha
- Jonelle Meyer – Archduchess
- Ami Sallee – Queen
- Nicole Jeannine Smith – Marmaduke
- Katrina Stevenson – Orlando
- Antonia Krueger – Assistant Director / Dramaturg
- Brian M. Smallheer – Scenic and Lighting Designer
- Katrina Stevenson – Costume Designer
Patron Reviews
What wonderful talented cast and great staging of story […] Thank you so very much for making it possible for us to see. We each took different insights with us, I looked back on my fascination with Tilda Swinton’s film performance, the first encounter of this story. How great to see it staged again and so fresh. This here can hold its own with my small favorite theaters in NY. My congratulations on a fine bringing to life of a fine play. – Susanne Nielsen
Some of the finest work I’ve ever had the privilege of seeing Jobsite create. It was magnificent. Enjoy all the praise you’re sure to get, cast and crew. – Nick Hoop
Alvin and I loved this show! The acting is superb and the directing was transforming. The set is a character not to ignored. Wonderful show all around. – Clare Ward-Jenkins
Loved it so much! Hoping to see it again. – Kim Goodman
Loved it so much! HopinJay & I saw this play and loved it! Great acting and terrific set! – Tempie Taudteg to see it again. – Kim Goodman
If you have not seen this show yet please do so ASAP! It casts five brilliant Tampa Bay actresses that each deliver a STELLAR performance!! Its awe-inspiring how this troupe begs a very crucial question about gender yet maintains an ebullient disposition throughout. I have to say it not only left me wanting more but I find myself (even weeks after) wanting to see it again and again!! – Keevan Marcus
Congratulations on a fantastic opening of ORLANDO to our friends over at @jobsitetheater! – @GhostlightTampa
@jobsitetheater ‘s Orlando was great. They always do well with funny & poignant plays! Katrina Stevenson is a local treasure. #tampatheater – laadrian
#TampaBay peeps: Great show – catch last weekend of the comedy “Orlando” @jobsitetheater Thanks @stephhayes for tip – @MichaelHoad
It was a wonderful performance last night I must say superb acting very comical five stars – Charles Hampton
The show is FANTASTIC! I’m so happy for you all – Kim Goodman
Jobsite has done it again … taking theater where it doesn’t usually go. You really should see this fabulous 5 woman cast perform multiple roles and genders over 400 years in the life of Orlando. Then message me and let’s talk about what it’s all about. – Rick Stutzel
We saw your most recent undertaking Orlando last Sunday. Just wanted to say the cast was wonderful and Katrina Stevenson was absolutely luminous in the title role. Giles Davis also did a stellar job of directing! Can’t wait til the next one! As season ticket holders we absolutely love you guys! – Lori Pate
These ladies were awesome this weekend…I know there is a lot going on in Tampa, but you will really miss out if you don’t go see these truly talented ladies perform an amazing show….Thank you for a great Sunday afternoon!! – Susan Belvo
Had such a wonderful time seeing Orlando at Jobsite […] Don’t miss this show! Amazing work by some wonderful ladies … – Julia Rudgers
One of the finest productions I have seen in a long time. Jobsite’s “Orlando” is exceptional. An all-lady cast, fantastic script, fabulous set, all executed beautifully. I know I’ve gushed about Jobsite before, but those folks truly are something special. This production is about to close. Do yourself a favor and buy a ticket now. – Lauren Field
@jobsitetheater thanks for the excellent show! loved it, can’t wait for more people to see it! – @j0hnnyy
Saw Orlando at @jobsitetheater last night and it was a mighty 10 outta 10, pls, go now, before it’s too late, culture yourselves. – @sumskull99