One From The Vaults | Ludo’s “Love Me Dead” from Vampire Lesbians of Sodom

#ThrowbackThursday to 2014 and our campy, kooky cabaret that the Tampa Bay Times said was “like if vaudville got a little drunk” and that earned Zachary Hines a nod on BroadwayWorld’s Performances of the Decade list. Charles Busch’ Vampire Lesbians of Sodom was expanded from what is traditionally a one act play into a 90-minute burlesque featuring musical interludes between scenes under the musical direction of Jonathan Cho. This is Ludo’s “Love Me Dead,” placed after the first scene. Backing up Hines onstage are Cho on guitar with Spencer Meyers and Katrina Stevenson, with Maggie Phillips Phillips and Jamie Jones offstage.

Other songs covered in the show included Jace Everett’s Bad Things reinterpreted as an ancient pagan chant at the top of show, Maggie Phillips Phillips in full chanteuse-mode accompanied by Jonathan on accordian for Mon Homme (My Man), Summer Bohnenkamp singing Radiohead’s Jigsaw Falling Into Place, and a full cast finisher in Terrible Things by April Smith and the Great Picture Show.



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