Now Hiring: Technical Directors

Jobsite, resident theater company of the Straz Center for the Performing Arts celebrating our 25th season, is hiring Technical Directors for the remainder of the 2024 season.

We are currently prepared to hire TDs on a show-by-show basis with an eye on finding the right candidate for a season-to-season contract down the road. 

An ideal Technical Director for Jobsite would:

  • Have access to an off-site shop and their own tools for some elements of pre-build.
  • Have access to a truck or van for transport of scenic elements and furniture to the theater.
  • Be a creative problem solver, team player, and lover of live theater. That said, we are also willing to creatively solve problems if no shop or truck is available should the right candidate be in front of us.

Jobsite Technical Directors are expected to:

  • Work with the Producing team to develop the overall production schedule, design deadlines, loadin and strikes.
  • Attend production and design meetings, the first read-through, and designer runs of rehearsals.
  • Attend technical/dress rehearsals.
  • Coordinate over-hire support staff for loadin and strikes, including scene painters and set dressers.
  • Coordinate with the Electrics team for loadin and strikes, including over-hire support.
  • Work with the Producing team to establish and track budgets and maintain inventory.
  • Purchase necessary production materials and supplies through company accounts. 
  • Work closely with the Scenic Designer, taking their renderings and technical drawings to bring them to life.
  • Serve as Master Carpenter.
  • Supervise any on-site construction, loadin, and/or strike.

Jobsite is a 25-year old ensemble-based professional theater company. We work out of both the Straz Center’s Shimberg Playhouse and Jaeb Theater. Due to our budget size and emphasis on fair artist wages, our technical budgets are typically modest and we do our best to economize, re-use, and find creative solutions from show to show.

We do not currently have an off-site scene shop nor access to the IATSE scene shop at the Straz Center. Sets constructed for the Shimberg Playhouse are often brought in small pieces (platforms, flats) with construction taking place in the room. This is because there is not a loading door for this venue for larger pieces to be brought through. Shows in the Jaeb Theater have access to the Straz loading dock to accommodate larger pieces arriving, and/or construction may also happen on deck.

We currently have a scenic over-hire pool including painters, but are always happy to add to those lists should a TD have folks they are comfortable with.

For at least the remainder of this season, technical directors will be hired as 1099 contractors but we are open to creating a W2 position in the 2024-25 season for the right person. Compensation is competitive for the area depending on scope of work with a range of $1,500-$2,500 per project. Jobsite is also unique in the region in offering profit-sharing on top of guaranteed fees.

We have an immediate need for these shows, and are including a round schedule of loadin periods and strikes to help candidates establish their potential availability:

The Beauty Queen of Leenane, Shimberg Playhouse. Loadin begins March 4. Strike evening of April 7.

El Maleficio de la Mariposa, Shimberg Playhouse. Loadin begins May 6. Strike evening of June 9.

The Rocky Horror ShowJaeb Theater. Loadin begins June 29. Strike evening of Aug. 4.

The Smuggler, Shimberg Playhouse. Loadin begins Aug. 5. Strike evening of Aug. 25.

Interested candidates should send a letter of intent, resume, and portfolio to Producing Artistic Director David M. Jenkins. These positions are open now and remain so until filled.

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One Response

  1. Hello Jobsite Family!

    My name is Alathium! I am a very self driven carpenter from my Mississippi carpenter family. I fell in love with theater when I moved here to Florida and have followed the local scene ever since.

    I’ve worked as assistant for Paul McColgan on many shows, from stage design to strike I’ve done it all with his help and wisdom and if given this opportunity will continue to lean on his wisdom as a local master carpenter for many years in this area. We built several sets together from Night of the Living Dead at Ruth Eckard to the 2020 season at stageworks.

    Unfortunately, COVID made me and several other in this field have to go to other industries for consistent income, so I haven’t done much theater work since. Which is exactly why I am very hungry for an amazing opportunity such as this and am willing to give everything I can for such.

    Thank you for your time Jobsite!

Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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