Now hiring: set designers and technical directors

Jobsite Theater is currently taking resumes, digital portfolios, and letters of interest for shows TBD in our 2019-20 season. We will consider materials until all positions are filled for the season. These positions may be hired separately by show or as a “package deal” depending on skill and interest. Possible productions include:


The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui

Animals out of Paper

We are currently negotiating with designers and TDs that we already have a working relationship with on the above shows, however we anticipate that we will be hiring for at least two of them. Positions with Meteor Shower, The Thanksgiving Play, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream are not available. We are also fully staffed for lighting designers and stage managers for the season, and so will not be taking materials for those positions.

For TDs: Jobsite does not currently have an off-site scenic shop and our permanent stock is minimal. Once we have drawings from the designer we are very happy to help initiate a beg-borrow-steal campaign to help minimize extraneous building. Build/load-in time in the space is typically 4 to 5 days before our tech weekend, by which all work needs to be completed.

Pay for both designers and TDs is comparable to the regional standard for a theater our size (100-seat black box). We are not an IA theater, but are happy to work with designers on a United Scenic Artist contract. We cannot offer any form of travel, housing, stipend, or per diem for non-local applicants.

Please submit materials to auditions AT jobsitetheater DOT org, preferably as PDFs. Links to digital portfolios should be included in the body of the introductory email expressing interest in the available positions.

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One Response

  1. My name is Melina OIkonomou and I am a local scenographer. I am very much interested in applying for the scenic design position. You will find all my information in my website as well as resume and digital portfolio. I would be very happy to meet in person as I am fully vaccinated.

Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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