More details on the Jobsite Gala 2015

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Hinks & Elaine Shimberg


Silver Meteor Gallery’s
Michael & John Murphy

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Now entering the third year, the Jobsite Gala is our most significant fundraiser of the year with all proceeds supporting artist salaries for our highly-anticipated 2015-16 season.

2015 Gala featured01Price of admission includes complimentary food and drink from Cena, The Refinery, Anise Global Gastrobar, Ella’s Americana Folks Art Cafe, Fodder & Shine, Commune + Co., Dough’s Chaos Creamery, Rollin’ Oats, The Independent Bar & Cafe, New World Brewery, Cafe Hey, Twisted Sun Rum and a few others we expect to have confirmed by the end of the week.

The event, with a friendly dress code we encourage to range from “cocktail attire” to “fancy-ish,” features two live lounge sets from Best of the Bay winners The Vodkanauts, and guests will also be treated to a sneak-peek at our upcoming production of SILENCE! The Musical after we honor our special guests. Our honorees are Hinks & Elaine Shimberg as well as Silver Meteor Gallery’s Michael and John Murphy. Both the Murphy’s and Shimberg’s were critical to Jobsite’s genesis as well as our continued success.

There are many ways for our community to help make a significant difference in what we do. Tickets are $100 per person and we still have one event sponsor table available for $1,000. If people cannot make the event we are encouraging them to sponsor an artist ticket so that a member of our ensemble may attend for free, to volunteer time leading up to or at the event, to make a general donation to the company, or possibly offer an item to our silent auction. We are accepting silent auction items as well as proposals from potential food and drink partners through Sep. 16.




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