MINDGAME has great opening night, gets held over!

MINDGAME has enjoyed packed, lively houses for both preview and opening night. Audiences seem to love the show, and sales have been stellar, so we’ve already held the show over through Nov. 14. Take advantage.

As of the writing of this blog, there are only 4 tickets left each for the shows tonight (10/22) and tomorrow (10/23). There is slightly better availability for Sunday (10/24). Particularly for this weekend, we strongly encourage you to purchase in advance. We can guarantee no tickets will be left tonight or tomorrow prior to the show, and we hate to see people being turned away.

Fret not though, there are plenty of chances to come out and see us. This is one of the most expensive and involved undertakings we have ever taken on, and it’s simply awesome to watch it all come together as it has and see it play in front of appreciative audiences.

Early word is that many are already talking about coming back to see the show more than once! We love that!

And we’d love to see you soon at the theater. We’re really having a great time. Brian Shea, Jason Vaughan Evans and Elizabeth Fendrick are slaying audiences onstage while the work of Brian Smallheer, Katrina Stevenson, Christen Petitt, Krystalle Voecks, Summer Bohnenkamp and Bob Westphal is killing it with their off-stage contributions. What a team effort!



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