Mid-season shake-up!

We’ve made the difficult decision to postpone our reimagining of Federico Garcia Lorca’s El Maleficio de la Mariposa to a future season. It was originally scheduled to run May 15 – June 9, 2024. In place of Maleficio, we have moved up Ronán Noone’s The Smuggler: A Thriller in Verse, starring Artistic Associate Giles Davies, from the end of the season (originally scheduled for Aug. 14-25). Replacing The Smuggler in those Aug. dates will be Thrice to Mine, written and performed by Artistic Associate Roxanne Fay. 

Our engagements of Martin McDonagh’s The Beauty Queen of Leenane and Richard O’Brien’s The Rocky Horror Show remain unchanged. For clarity, the remainder of the 25th anniversary season is:

The Beauty Queen of Leenane. March 13 – April 7, Shimberg Playhouse

The Smuggler: A Thriller in Verse. May 15 – June 9, Shimberg Playhouse

The Rocky Horror Show. July 10 – August 4, Jaeb Theater

Thrice to Mine. August 14-25, Shimberg Playhouse

Wife. Mother. Witch. Murderer. Queen. Legend. Thrice to Mine opens a new door into who we know as Lady Macbeth. Based in historical fact about the woman and time she lived, this show presents a woman who learns — from the women in her life — how to fight. Told through magic, ancient lore, and echoes of Shakespeare, we learn how her life became, rich, fulfilled, and deliciously dark.

“These changes to the schedule are due to a number of extenuating factors beyond our control,” offers Jobsite Producing Artistic Director David M. Jenkins. “We continue to react almost daily to the growing challenges in producing professional live theater in 2024. I’m disappointed to postpone Maleficio, but I also know it is the right thing to do. The good news is we still have a dynamite remainder of our 25th season. Roxanne Fay is one of this area’s most gifted and beloved theater artists and Thrice is a show that is sure to appeal to her fans, lovers of Scotland and ancient history, and of course folks with an interest in Macbeth.”

Jobsite passholders do not need to take any action, tickets will be moved automatically and printed tickets for any date will be good for the new title. If someone has single tickets to either impacted production (not a pass), they will be contacted by the Straz and have the option to keep the new title or receive a credit. Single tickets to new dates for The Smuggler and the newly-added Thrice to Mine are available now.

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