Man in Snow Cancellation

Jobsite Theater is cancelling the scheduled production of Israel Horovitz’ new play Man in Snow in light of a report in today’s The New York Times, bringing to an end a collaboration with the playwright that dates back to 2014.

The company has yet to choose a replacement for the title, but Producing Artistic Director David M. Jenkins and the pool of 13 Artistic Associates, core members of the resident theater company of the Straz Center, will spend the next few weeks coming together to find a suitable alternate for the production slated to go up in March 2018.

“My heart is broken right now,” says Producing Artistic Director David M. Jenkins, “I am absolutely gutted. Israel has become like a father to me over the past few years, and I have learned more from him than I can possibly put into words right now. To say I feel betrayed would be a gross understatement, and my heart goes out to the victims who have lived with this for so many years and the pain they must be experiencing all over again.”

The company, having both harassment and whistleblower policies already in place, intends to do an investigation of their own into prior collaborations to ensure that there were no similar incidents in previous years.



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