Loads and loads of Best of the Bay love!

We had a blast at the Creative Loafing Best of the Bay Awards party last night! It was great to see so many friends and an honor to be recognized for all the work on our stages from the last season. Here’s the quick and dirty on how Jobsite fared:

Critic’s Picks
Best Musical: Return to the Forbidden Planet (co-produced with the Straz Center)
Best Comedic Performance in a Drama: Jack Holloway in All New People
Most Winningly Shameless Actor: Spencer Meyers
Best Character Actor Who Can Do Anything: Ned Averill-Snell (Inventing Van Gogh cited among his bay area work)
Best Director: Karla Hartley (again, Van Gogh cited among her great and many works for the season)
Best Reason to Take Theater Seriously: 4.48 Psychosis at Jobsite Theater
Best Theater Rockers: Jobsite Theater (The Hedwig and Forbidden Planet bands got mad love here — what’s this with us getting so much cred for musicals? We don’t even know us anymore!)
Reader’s Poll
Best Theater Production: Return to the Forbidden Planet (co-produced with the Straz Center)
Best Stage Director: David Jenkins (Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Macbeth, Return to the Forbidden Planet)
Best Set Designer: Brian Smallheer (our resident designer, but did you see his starship bridge in Forbidden Planet?)
Best Actor: Spencer Meyers (Hedwig, Forbidden Planet)
Mike Wood also received Best Lighting Designer, who did a fantastic job with Forbidden Planet (and probably about half the other shows in the area last season).
Runner-up in votes for: Best Theater Company, Hedwig and the Angry Inch for Best Theater Production, Amy Gray for Best Actress (Hedwig/Forbidden Planet), David Jenkins for Best Actor (Hound).
Whew, and I think I got ’em all in.
There are also a LOT of our friends, supporters, and affiliated organizations who took home a Loafie or two: Kitefliers Studios, The Straz, and most of the businesses helping us out with the Gala among them (only a few weeks away, got tickets?) We’re pretty overwhelmed, y’all. It was a good night.
Thanks for the votes, and see you soon? Ballyhoo is 4 for 4 on great reviews and playing to packed houses nightly. Our 2014-15 season opener must close Sep. 28, so get in soon before it’s done!

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Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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