Jobsite’s already in a record season

We’re just (barely) 3 months into 2008, and I’m happy to report that we here at Jobsite are already having a banner year.

Success is of course measured in many different ways, but a sure sign of success – and one that can help us attract more money from both the private and corporate sector – is showing growth and stability.

We’ve always bragged of our consistent, if not always aggressive, growth from season to season. We’ve grown anywhere between 5% and 53% when it comes to attendance or box office figures from year to year since our start.

Looking at the numbers for our 0708 season so far, it stands out that the numbers for both attendance and gross revenue are higher than any other start to a season has been.

Gross revenue stats can of course be misleading. If we double the price of our tickets one year then lose half our audience the next – it’ll still look like we’re making a lot more money even if we have less folks visiting the theater.

We always battle with prices: what can people afford, what’s reasonable, how should we go about discounting. Right now we’re very happy with our pricing structure and have no intentions of changing it. To look at attendance, I feel even more validated in that. The simplification to bringing all seats to $24.50 has in no way negatively impacted attendance.

As a matter of fact, right now we’re averaging 90 people sitting in the Shimberg Playhouse every time the lights come up on a performance – where we’ve had 98 to 120 chairs in the room nightly. That’s not bad. We’d always like more, but so far so good this year.

Boston Marriage closes this weekend, and we have plenty of seats open still. You can help keep our numbers strong AND see an awesome show in the process. Ros & Guil is just down the pipe in April. After that we still have A Dream Play and Embedded remaining on the season.

As a matter of fact, you can still get a mini-season ticket package (whether or not you’ve seen Boston Marriage). 3 or 4 show mini-subs are available by calling the TBPAC Ticket Office and asking for the Jobsite Theater mini-season ticket package. 813.229.STAR or 800.955.1045 outside Tampa Bay. If you have a big fat IRS refund coming or are looking for a good thing to do with part of your economic stimulus relief check, I hope you consider it. All your money stays right here in the community between Jobsite, TBPAC and these local artists we employ.



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Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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