Jobsite Theater: Ticket winner, rehearsal notes and more!

Congrats to Zayna – the big winner of my random drawing for the pair of tickets to opening weekend of All the Great Books (abridged) – thanks to everyone who entered! Zayna – write me back as soon as you can to confirm your tickets!

We’re having a blast in rehearsals right now. Yesterday was our 10 out of 12 tech rehearsal where the lights, props, costumes and sound all collided for the firs time. Our section of the show devoted to The Iliad, The Aenied and The Odyssey was probably funnier backstage than it was onstage as we juggled what very well may be the most complicated and numerous (not to mention fastest) quick-changes of any other (abridged) show. We all escaped intact, and we know it can only get smoother.

If it means anything, this show has yet to cease being funny to us – and I can’t say that was the case during America. We got tired of the material (well, tired of doing it without an audience) about a week out. Once we get an audience, everything becomes new again. We’re really looking forward to spit-polishing this thing this week.

After the tech we trekked over to Ybor to return to the scene of the crime of our photo shoot from last year to shoot the TV commercial which begins airing on Saturday. Rest assured we’ll post it online as soon as it’s finished. I don’t want to give anything away yet, but like the spot for Grimm’s was a (very highly) weird homage to Silence of the Lambs, Clerks II and Chappelle’s Show – this spot too is rooted in a cinematic pop cultural landmark. And someone of course gets humiliated in it …

We should be making a TV appearance late this week – more details as they materialize.

Saturday is now officially sold out and Fri and Sat are not far behind. We’re really trying to discourage walk-up this weekend, as we’re positive there will not be tickets left this weekend at the door. I try to keep you guys in the loop on that, as I know I have some readers who qualify for rush tickets. WE HATE TURNING PEOPLE AWAY AT THE DOOR!

If you’ve ever previously enjoyed Jobsite’s forays into all things (abridged) – please join us for this show! I guarantee belly-laughs, and you just might learn something.

Looking forward to laughing with you soon!



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