Jobsite now a member theater of TCG

Jobsite Theater, resident theater company in TBPAC’s Shimberg Playhouse, is very proud to announce that we are now a Member Theater of Theater Communications Group (TCG), the national organization for the American theater.

TCG has a 45-year history across 47 states with a mission to strengthen, nurture and promote the professional not-for-profit American theater. TCG and their member theaters are major contributors to the American theater sector, which employs more than 113,000 artists, administrators and production staff, and produces over 172,000 performances each year, reaching 30 million people. The sector contributes over $1.6 billion annually to the U.S. economy. Over 85% of the revenues taken in by TCG are redirected back to member theaters in the form of grants, advocacy, publications and other services.

TCG membership will allow Jobsite access to important grants, management tools and resources, national networking and visibility, a presence in American Theater magazine and much more.

This is an important step for us, the first of hopefully many to come for us quickly. We’re keeping our eye on the prize of getting a solid enough financial footing to pay our artists a living wage and keep our precious talent here in the area and gainfully employed for many years to come while treating audiences to top-notch theater.

Jobsite Theater is in the midst of our 10th season of creating quality, innovative and often cutting-edge theater as the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center‘s resident theater company. Our work often draws sold-out crowds and ranks high annually on “Best of” list throughout the region. In 2008 we received Best of the Bay Awards from Creative Loafing for Best Artistic Director, Best Costumes and Best Play. We have been a finalist for the Downtown Tampa Partnership‘s Urban Excellence Award two years running.

Our official 10th anniversary production, Clive Barker’s The History of the Devil, opens on Oct. 30.

Thanks to the Jobsite board, our ensemble and our patrons for the unyielding support over the years – we look forward to sharing many more great seasons with you all.



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Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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