Jobsite musings: record first quarter success, Shakespeare recap, The Serpent et al

I’m simply amazed at what we do sometimes. Now, before you go and accuse me of being all cocky, let me clarify my statement. We’re doing what we do without any significant corporate direct financial support (though we do loves us our sponsors), and with a relatively modest private donor base. None of us are drawing a salary. I refuse to pay myself right now because I’d be taking food our of an artist’s mouth – so when we’re working on a show directly we’re getting paid and when we’re not we don’t. That’s been the deal from day one.

That’s not to say at all I wouldn’t rather have all of our core folks dedicate all time and energy to this thing and not have to have a day job. Of course I would. Yet like the ever-tenacious cockroach we’re going to survive. On our terms. That too is a reason why we don’t maybe have banks and millionaires tossing wads of cash at us. We’re a little iconoclastic, a little punk rock – at least we’re staying honest.

All that’s so much easier to swallow when we look at what a year we’re having already just a month and a half in:

  • Last night Jason Evans and myself had our final callbacks for the last two shows of the season and I imagine I might be making offers by the end of the day. For those waiting – thanks for your patience.
  • The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) just had another completely sold-out weekend full of raucously appreciative audiences. I’ll never get sick of doing this show, especially while you all keep coming out like you do. That was basically our 5th sold out engagement of the play. By all accounts from everyone who attended it’s the best it’s ever been n regards to quality – sharp, clean, polished, precise. New costumes, props and bits. Like a fine wine, Tampa Bay’s original “Bad Boys of Abridgement” only get better with age. By the time Books goes up, you’re looking at six years of chemistry and experience in this format. We have a short two weeks off (great, enough time for my big ass to get out of shape again) then it’s our turn to show what we can do with All the Great Books (abridged). Despite what you may have seen or even read about what “The Others” have done – trust that we’ve yet to have a miss-step with an abridged show, and we will be coming to rock you sooner than you think. We’re already planning the “Jobsite High” set!
  • Due to what we’ve done already with The Pillowman, Shakespeare (abridged) and what we’ve already done (and the potential remaining) for The Serpent – Jobsite is totally poised to have it’s best 1st quarter ever. That’s nothing to sneeze at, we’re doing it without jacking our tickets up over $30, we’re doing it with still fairly limited resources – and in the last two years we’ve already seen an attendance and earnings boom over 55%.

Sometimes it’s almost too much for this blue-collar kid from the far-far northside of Jacksonville (10 minute drive to Georgia, anyone?) to fathom – this is really happening. Who said theater was a dying art form? You make us great, Tampa Bay. Thanks.

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Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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