
Job-Side Productions

Job-side Productions are full, self-produced evenings from members of the Jobsite Ensemble that occur at alternate times in the theater when mainstage programming does not need the space.

Jobsite has hosted events of this type in the form of an evening of short plays/sketches (Short Comings), one-person shows (See Bob Run, POE),  one-act and full-length published plays (The House of Yes, Speech & Debate), brand-new work, and even stand-up comedy (LOL: An evening with Mr. FunnyBlackman).

Any Jobsite Ensemble member may petition the Producing Artistic Director for a slot, and determinations are made on an ongoing basis. Jobsite provides the space, loans of unused production elements (scenic, costume and prop stock), and offers basic social media support to the artist as a public service. These performances are not produced by Jobsite but instead the member, and Jobsite does not benefit financially in any way from these engagements as the box office belongs 100% to the artist.

This is an excellent opportunity for ensemble members to stretch or showcase their talents or further develop their craft. We encourage ensemble members to ask for our full Job-side handbook for complete details.

Job-Side Staged Readings

Job-side Staged Readings are an accessible way for playwrights to have their work heard aloud by members of our ensemble. These evenings are accomplished with scripts in hand and minimal rehearsal, typically on set of the current mainstage production and with otherwise bare technical consideration.

The emphasis here is on the exploration of the written word, and Jobsite encourages writers to use this opportunity to gather immediate feedback from the artists and audience.

Jobsite has used this series to workshop commissioned pieces such as The March of the Kitefliers and Pericles and has also graduated work from the Staged Reading Series to the mainstage.

Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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Ask about volunteering for shows, fundraisers, or just Jobsite in general.

Contact Us About A Show

We love your feedback. Share your thoughts about a show you saw!

The Jobsite Newsletter


Special Invites

Secret Deals

All the Best Stuff

Organization Ticket Request

Request tickets to be donated to your organization.

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Technical Director Contact

Questions for our Technical Director.

Staged Readings Contact

To perform in a reading, have your script considered, or have other Staged Readings questions.

Attachments are limited to 5MB per attachment. Accepted files types are .jpg, .gif, .pdf, .txt, .doc, .png.

Contact The Artistic Director

Get in touch with Artistic Director David M. Jenkins for all business and production related questions and touring information.

Contact The Development Chair

Donating to fundraisers, plus any other grant or sponsorship questions.

Auditions Contact

Audition questions, scheduling, resumes and headshots. Also, read about our auditions for more info.

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Donations & Support Contact

Be a Jobsite sponsor, send us something from our wishlist, advertising questions, etc.

Tickets Contact

General questions and information regarding tickets, group rates, discounts, and individual ticket donations.

Attachments are limited to 5MB. Accepted files types are .pdf.

Contact The Webmaster

Email our Online Producer regarding website questions, broken links and general kudos for all around groovy site design.