Interested in the Economics of Theater?

We’ve been fighting hard for 24 years to make this area a viable market for a working theater artist who doesn’t want to live out of a suitcase as a touring artist, going to whatever city the next job might be in. It is by no means easy, the economics of theater are trickier than most give credit to. We stand by our 5-day/20-hour-a-week schedule that we’ve had in place pretty much from the beginning.

Did you know that we pay all of our artists working on a show who are required to be at every call the same no matter the size of their role? As of last season, we’ve also made sure that no one is working for less than $15 an hour in any position.

(L-R) Katrina Stevenson, Derrick Phillips, Hugh Timoney, Giles Davies and Spencer Meyers in Jobsite's The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui. (Photo: Ned Averill-Snell.)We still need to do better, especially considering reports say that someone needs to make $25 an hour in this market to be able to keep up with rent. Artist pay is directly tied to revenue: this means to do better for our artists we need to find more people to attend shows (or raise prices on those already coming) and/or find more grants and private donations from those who believe in our work. None of that is easy in this world we live in right now.

If you’re interested in learning more about Jobsite, how we work, or what we’re trying to do here in the Tampa Bay area we’d love to start a conversation with you. We pride ourselves on our transparency. Reach out!

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Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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Technical Director Contact

Questions for our Technical Director.

Staged Readings Contact

To perform in a reading, have your script considered, or have other Staged Readings questions.

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Contact The Artistic Director

Get in touch with Artistic Director David M. Jenkins for all business and production related questions and touring information.

Contact The Development Chair

Donating to fundraisers, plus any other grant or sponsorship questions.

Auditions Contact

Audition questions, scheduling, resumes and headshots. Also, read about our auditions for more info.

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Donations & Support Contact

Be a Jobsite sponsor, send us something from our wishlist, advertising questions, etc.

Tickets Contact

General questions and information regarding tickets, group rates, discounts, and individual ticket donations.

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Contact The Webmaster

Email our Online Producer regarding website questions, broken links and general kudos for all around groovy site design.