Henry V

Henry V

By William Shakespeare

Directed by David M. Jenkins

Apr. 9 – May 2, 2021

Preview Performances: Apr. 7 – 8

Jaeb Theater, Straz Center for the Performing Arts

Streams start at $9.99 for a 24-hour rental and are best experienced on a smart TV or connected device (Apple TV, Roku, etc). Use your device’s browser and visit strazhome.uscreen.io

On This Page

What It's About

We continue our annual Shakespeare tradition with our first of his history plays. Henry V! England’s in tumult and who ascends the throne but everyman playboy prince Hal — an untested royal who spent his youth slumming around London. Now crowned King Henry V, he must win the respect of a nation and lead his country to greatness in an epic battle with archnemesis France. Henry gathers his troops and marches abroad only to find himself outgunned and outmanned. In the face of death, Henry must also face himself and what it means to lead. Can he become the king his country needs?

About The Production

Jobsite once again reboots Shakespeare for modern times, taking Henry’s timeless tale and setting it to an original, blistering industrial score by award-winning resident composer Jeremy Douglass (A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Meteor Shower, Othello, Hedda.) Those who have enjoyed Douglass’ music in the past are in for a real treat as we take advantage of the Jaeb’s superior technical capabilities, where all actors will be amplified with microphones allowing for a fuller score. High-def video also helps transform Shakespeare’s work into a modern, mesmerizing spectacle of tension, nationalism and excitement in a production inspired as much by Brecht’s epic theater as it is the Bard.

Shakespeare speaks directly to the audience in the prologue of the play to note that our “wooden O,” or I guess in the case of the Jaeb our “metal O,” couldn’t possibly “bring forth so great an object” in showing the battlefields of France and asks that viewers allow the actors to work on their imaginations. This was a starting point for me to be able to craft a tight, taut, and tidy re-imagining of this show, especially considering our current conditions. – David M. Jenkins

The text, which originally runs over three hours intact, has been cut nearly in half by Jenkins, Davies, and the ensemble while retaining both the epic’s high energy and heart. The entire show is expected to be just over two hours with the intermission. The actors, apart from Workman who plays King Henry, divide up the remaining two dozen or so characters and offer the play’s narration as Chorus, often moving from one character to the next in front of the audience’s eyes.

If the title sound familiar, Henry V has appeared in popular culture most recently as the plot of the film The King and as part of the television series The Hollow Crown.

Adam Workman in Jobsite's Henry V.
Adam Workman in Jobsite's Henry V.
The Ensemble of Jobsite's Henry V.
The Ensemble of Jobsite's Henry V.

Production Background

Jobsite began producing their unique brand of Shakespeare in 2002. Last year’s production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream was not only the company’s best-attended and highest-grossing show of all time, but also beat every sales record in the Shimberg Playhouse since the space opened.

Jobsite’s work with the Bard has earned them numerous Best of the Bay and Theatre Tampa Bay Awards, national press in American Theater and the Shakespeare Bulletin, and four consecutive honors as a finalist for the NEA’s prestigious Shakespeare in American Communities Award.

Educational Opportunities

In lieu of weekday field trip matinees for middle and high school students, this year we are making the show available as a two-part video stream ready for your classroom! This is a professionally-shot, multi-camera video of the play performed in front of a live audience. All groups booking the filmed play are provided custom study guides and the ability to have custom virtual visits from teaching artists both before and after the viewing.

Additional opportunities are available upon request. For more information or to book an educational component, contact Spencer.Meyers@StrazCenter.org.

Critic Reviews

No one in this region "Rocks the Bard" as hard, as relevant, and as daring as Jobsite ... a stellar and triumphant display of magnanimous proportions and this cast is in true form. – BroadwayWorld

Thank you [Jobsite] for keeping Shakespeare in its every season ... pounding musical score ... gritty video projections ... speeches are perfect and wonderfully intonated. – Kulturspiegel

Jobsite [is] back at it again with an exciting production of Henry V ... The drama has all the hallmarks of why the Bard’s writing endures: conspiracy, backstabbing, guilt and moments of wit and laugh-out-loud humor ... with the compelling story line, captivating performances and rocking score, it goes by in a snap. – Tampa Bay Times


Cast & Crew

  • David M. Jenkins – Director
  • Brian Smallheer – Technical Director


  • Cornelio Aguilera – Bishop of Ely, Gray, King Charles of France, Gower, La Fer
  • Ned Averill-Snell – Exeter, OrleansMacmorris
  • Roxanne Fay – Pistol, Bishop of Canterbury, Alice, Governor of Harfleur
  • Lizzie Kehoe – Fluellen, Katherine, Boy, Cambridge
  • Brian Shea – Westmorland, Bardolph, Constable, Williams
  • Kara Sotakoun – Hostess Quickly, Montjoy, Scroop, Jamy
  • Katrina Stevenson – Gloucester, Nym, Dauphin, Burgundy
  • Adam Workman – Henry, King of England


  • Jo Averill-Snell – Lighting Designer
  • Giles Davies – Text Coach and Associate Director
  • Jeremy Douglass – Composer
  • David M. Jenkins – Video Designer
  • Chloe Mastro – Scenic Artist
  • Tea Christina Roberts – Scenic Artist
  • Brian Smallheer – Scenic Designer
  • Katrina Stevenson – Costume Designer
Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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