Got a little time? We need you!

Re-invigorating our board of directors and the associated volunteer committees are critical for our long-term success as we attempt to reach and represent all corners of this great community and rebuild after the impact of the past few years. We have an immediate need for folks to join our working board. It’s easier than you think …

Do you have two hours a month — the average length of a play — to help Your Friendly Neighborhood Theater Company? Pull up a chair! We’re currently seeking conversations with potential board and committee members.

Serving might sound scary (or, let’s be honest, boring), but we assure you that when it comes to Jobsite not much could be further from the truth. Put your passion for live theater to work!

As a small not-for-profit, Jobsite does not have a large full-time staff to help with initiatives like audience development and fundraising, and so that’s where we look to our board and their committees for help. Our small artistic core is generally busy in the theater creating to be as directly involved in the community as many of us would like with any consistency, and so rely on our board and committees to help act as a bridge.

Because of our efficient producing apparatus the board is not burdened with day-to-day operations of the theater like marketing, play selection, hiring, or any aspect of theatrical production. The Straz Center takes care of all front of house needs like the box office, concessions, house management and ushering, security, and maintenance.

So, what does our board and their committees do?

  • Help us reach more corners of the community. One of the greatest challenges we face is folks simply not knowing we’re here, or not understanding our work. The more people we can involve on our board who are active in their respective communities, the better our chances of fixing that. 
  • J. Elijah Cho in Jobsite’s Occupation. (Photo: Crawford Long.)
    Offer valuable insight and perspective. It’s important for us to have an inclusive group that reflects the region’s diversity who also share a passion for our unique brand of theater. Our board helps advise in a way that offers a wider perspective than we may be able to immediately see as “part of the choir” as theater practitioners, or because of our own cultural blind-spots.
  • Help get folks into the theater. That’s why we do theater, right? For it to be experienced in a full theater crackling with that magical energy? Some folks are great at social media or promotional ideas. Others might know a reporter to pitch a unique story. Maybe you have thoughts on one-night special events that fits a particular time of year or theme of a show. If this sounds appealing, our marketing committee is waiting!
  • Help plan and execute special events. We currently do two seasonal parties (an announcement in the spring and a kick-off in the fall) and two online days of giving (April and November). Both of these are on hiatus until things become more safe, but we expect to be able to resume these activities as early as the fall or as late as the spring. We need help securing food and drinks, drawing and auction items, setting up and decorating, and so on. We also need folks who can be “boots on the ground” at the events to help things run smoothly. All of this awaits in our development committee!

We know people hear “board of directors” and may think you need to be a lawyer or CEO or write a big fat check to be invited. Hey, keeping it real, we like those things, too, but we don’t ask for a minimum donation or fancy resume to be considered. Jobsite’s board is here to help ensure the long-term stability of the company and there are numerous ways that you can contribute.

Requirements are minimal: we ask that board members attend an hour-long general meeting every other month (usually the second Monday of the month from 6:30-7:30pm, and teleconferencing is available) and serve on at least one committee based on where they think they can best contribute (which typically meet in the off-months from the full board meeting). 100% of our board members donate to the organization, but there is no set minimum amount (so, $10 would keep you square if that’s what you can do), and we ask that board members hold a current season pass (neither of those stipulations are required to join a committee). We just need to be able to say to potential funders and the like that our board is “all-in.”

We offer a few perks in return, usually in the way of free tickets to bring friends and access to special events through the year. Being a Jobsite board member also means making new connections, new friends, and helping make the region a better place to live, work, and play. One of the most meaningful benefits is the feeling of pride in knowing you’re helping us reach over 15,000 people every year with engaging professional theater, that you’re helping enrich the lives of 4,500 middle and high school students annually through our outreach, and that you’re helping employ up to 60 regional artists every season. 

The contributions of our board and committees allow us to do more ambitious and better quality work while undertaking initiatives that impact not only our region but the whole industry. If any of this this interests you, fill out this self-nomination form and let’s connect. If you have questions before going that far, we would love to hear from you!

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Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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Technical Director Contact

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Staged Readings Contact

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Contact The Artistic Director

Get in touch with Artistic Director David M. Jenkins for all business and production related questions and touring information.

Contact The Development Chair

Donating to fundraisers, plus any other grant or sponsorship questions.

Auditions Contact

Audition questions, scheduling, resumes and headshots. Also, read about our auditions for more info.

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Donations & Support Contact

Be a Jobsite sponsor, send us something from our wishlist, advertising questions, etc.

Tickets Contact

General questions and information regarding tickets, group rates, discounts, and individual ticket donations.

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Contact The Webmaster

Email our Online Producer regarding website questions, broken links and general kudos for all around groovy site design.