Final performances of Dog Sees God!

We’re entering the third weekend of performances for our critically-acclaimed production of Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead at the Shimberg Playhouse. We hope you get a chance to make it down before we not only say goodbye to this show, but to the 09-10 season.

“[Jobsite] has produced this subversive twist on childhood innocence, and it’s a fantastic finale to the [season] … incredibly touching … Dirty and raw … still a loving tribute to good men everywhere.” – The Tampa Tribune

“true to the heart of [the original] comic strip … phenomenal entertainment, sometimes hysterically funny, sometimes sweetly philosophical and ultimately poignant … hugely entertaining and even mildly thought-provoking.” – St. Petersburg Times

“In the pressure-cooker that is high school, Dog Sees God might even save a life … the acting in this Jobsite Theater production is topnotch … superbly directed.” –Creative Loafing

“…audiences will laugh until their eyes water and then, possibly, shed genuine tears of sadness, too–both totally warranted responses that speak to the script’s generic range and delicate subject matter as well as the merits of this production.” – Drama Daily [Spoiler Alert: this review contains plot spoilers]

It’s been a very long time since we’ve garnered this sort of outpouring from our fans. Perhaps only The March of the Kitefliers has elicited such a visceral reaction from people who have come back to tell us exactly what this show meant to them, and who are making a point to come to the show more than once. Here is a link to comments from people who have seen the show and wanted to tell us what they thought.

Some of the stories coming back to us have been moving, and deeply personal. Here is one such letter that we were given permission to share.

We’ve held the show over through Aug. 29, but tonight (8/19 8p) is our final Thu. night show. Otherwise we still run Fri.-Sat. at 8p and Sun. at 4p this week and next. I sincerely hope you get the chance to come by, or if you’ve already made it out that you can share us with a friend.

We are very, very close to once again smashing our records in terms of annual attendance and gross receipts. We have seven more performances in order to accomplish that. Should be a cinch, right? Great show, great artists, great fans. Now all we need is you.

We truly hope to see you soon at the theater.



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Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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