Fall Casting Announced!

We’re happy to announce both casts for our fall productions!

Liza Birkenmeier’s Dr. Ride’s American Beach House opens the season Oct. 1 and will feature (clockwise) Andresia Moseley (Norma), Emily Belvo (Matilda), Susan Haldeman (Meg), and Leah LoSchiavo (Harriet). The show is under the direction of Roxanne M. Fay with designs by Rebekah Eugenia Lazaridis (set), Jo Averill-Snell (lights), and Katrina Stevenson (costumes). Tatiana Baccari serves as dramaturg.

We welcome LoSchiavo back after her recent move back to the area, she was last seen with us in Eleemosynary. We’re also thrilled to welcome Susan Haldeman, no stranger at all to local stages, to Jobsite for her first time. Moseley and Belvo are both Jobsite Artistic Associates, last seen in our Jan. production of DOUBT.

Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde welcomes back Artistic Associate Shawn Paonessa to the director’s chair. He last helmed our smash-hit production of 1984. J&H features a 6-person ensemble of (clockwise) Nicole Jeannine Smith, Giles Davies, Kara Sotakoun, Brian Matthew Shea, Blake Smallen, and Jonelle M. Meyer. An inventive conceit with this telling of the tale is that apart from Jekyll (Davies) and Elizabeth (Sotakoun), the remainder of the cast (in addition to other roles) each takes on Hyde at a different point, showing off multiple facets of the iconic monster.

J&H features Artistic Associate Nicole Jeannine Smith in a return to us after she successfully completed her MFA training. Sotakoun and Shea appeared together in  Hand to God and Henry V this spring. Davies helped return to live indoor theater last Halloween with his one-person Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus. Meyer was last seen with us as Mort LeCort as part of our Jobsite Digital Shorts series, and we’re excited to welcome Smallen to the ensemble in his first show with us.

Both plays are on sale now as part of our 2021-22 season pass. Single tickets go on sale in late Aug.




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