Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451

By Ray Bradbury

Directed by Katrina Stevenson

Sep. 5 – 30, 2012

Thu. – Sat. 8pm, Sun. 4pm

Tickets: $28

Shimberg Playhouse, Straz Center for the Performing Arts

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What It's About

Fahrenheit 451 is the temperature at which paper ignites. This cautionary tale reminds us not only of the evils of government tyranny but of individual complicity and inaction. This powerful drama mixed with elements of both comedy and horror was adapted for the stage by Bradbury himself, inspired in part by Francois Trouffaut’s 1966 film.

The story centers on the inner struggle of Guy Montag who has worked as a civil servant for ten years burning books. He has become increasingly unsure about what he is doing with his life. It is not until he meets Clarisse, a young girl filled with strange ideas, that he is led into a dangerous and truly combustible situation. Now he must choose between continuing his nonexistent existence and risking everything for the right to think freely.


Teachers: we have daytime performances of Fahrenheit 451 on Sep. 27 and 28 at 11am, and a greatly reduced student group rate.

Bluebird Books Bus Days

The Bluebird Books Bus will be in front of the Shimberg Playhouse on Sundays Sep. 16 and 30 from 2–4pm for public enjoyment. There will be a selection of classical, counter-cultural, dystopic and banned books available. Visitors may even be treated to a gilmpse of typewriter work by a “captive poet!”

Bluebird Books is a literary-themed mobile project space housed in a converted bus – part bookshop, part art house; it’s a vehicle where readers of all ages can explore the written word. Donation-based sales of gently-used books, locally designed artist books, handmade notebooks and ephemera will support cultural events such as play readings, book-art exhibits, poetry readings, and bookmaking workshops for the community at large. At a time when public libraries and bookstores often struggle, Bluebird Books continues to celebrate the art of the book in all its forms.

Jobsite Producing Artistic Director David Jenkins offers that “this is a great way for us to continue to work with like-minded organizations in our community. We think this is a perfect partnership, and we hope that people will come down to the show early, enjoy the bus and a cold drink on a nice afternoon, and maybe even stroll over to the newly-appointed Curtis Hixon Park before the show.”

Dana Kovar, Giles Davies and Chris Jackson in Jobsite's Fahrenheit 451. (Photo by Brian Smallheer.)

Critic Reviews

Jobsite Theater aced it ... compelling ... a truly visceral experience. – Tampa Tribune

It's not every entertainment that tempts the spectator to investigate Poe, Stevenson and Whitman. And even rarer is a pageant that achieves this end with artistry of its own. – Creative Loafing


Cast & Crew

  • Katrina Stevenson – Director
  • Matthew Ray – Stage Manager


  • Ned Averill-Snell – Faber/Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Katie Castonguay – Clarisse/Helen
  • Giles Davies – Beatty/Aristotle
  • Jon Gennari – Holden/1st Paramedic/Herman Melville
  • Chris Jackson – Montag
  • Dana Kovar – Mrs. Hudson/Alice/Louis Carrol
  • Daniel Rosenstrauch – Black/2nd Paramedic/JRR Tolkein
  • Nicole Jeannine Smith – Mildred/Bronte

Audio Performers

  • Aaron E. Tucker – Voice Over Artist
  • Kelby Siddons – Voice Over Artist


  • Caryl Butterley* – Sound Designer
  • David M. Jenkins* – Sound Designer
  • Greg Newcomb – Poster Artist
  • Brian M. Smallheer – Scenic/Lighting Designer
  • Beth Tepe-Robertson – Costume Designer

Patron Reviews

My wife and I recently attended the performance of Fahrenheit 451. We used to go to the theater many years ago with greater frequency but the routines of life had pulled us away from it. The performance we experienced last week was exceptional and was one of the best nights out we had in a long time. Thank you for keeping culture alive in Tampa Bay. – Kevin Mulford

Congratulations on another masterful production. Every actor was spot on, and I especially appreciated the lighting and the set. – Rick Stutzel

I saw this amazing show last night …really terrific lighting effects, cool sound effects (where can I get a copy of those songs?) a really wonderful and versatile set and some incredible (gorgeous, BTW) actors! This show is a must-see…even my 15 year old thought so 🙂 Bravo to the cast & crew of Jobsite Theater on a well-done production <<clap, clap>> – Samantha Marti Paris

I enjoyed it a lot. That thing behind the door is really scary! – Bridget Bean

We saw the show on Saturday. The staging and acting were superb. Well done Jobsite! – Jim Carter

I saw it last week – it was fantastic! – Judith Sachs

Outstanding, amazing show tonight, @jobsitetheater cast and crew. – Lisa Hoover

Amazing show. Congratulations to the amazing cast & crew of Jobsite! – Arlene VonderPorten Jacobs

Great show, I really enjoyed it. Makes me want to dig up my old copy of the book and read it. I would have loved to have seen this production in High School when reading the book. – Isabel Bertram

A truly Magnificent Production that everyone involved with should be proud of. I only wish I had the influence to inspire more people to come and see it. – Kevin J. Kobasko

Great show definitely enjoyed it…GO SEE IT! – Andresia Moseley

Great cast; Great performance. Amazing set. Extremely serious stuff, but a delight to watch. Food for thought and conversation. Don’t miss this one. – Jenny Lynn Olin

Bravo (and Brava) to all of the cast and crew! Last night’s performance was exceptional. Nothing is more frustrating than seeing a book you love adapted poorly…but you all did Farenheit 451 justice in a way that I imagine Bradbury himself would have thoroughly endorsed! Thanks for another great experience. 🙂 – Shelby Forbes

Saw Fahrenheit 451 last night at the Straz Center in Downtown…phenomenal. Highly recommend it. – @KyleBarreira

Fully enjoyed watching#Fahrenheit451 on Friday night at @jobsitetheater – @IlluminationAd

Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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