Exciting News! Guess Who’s Back?

(L-R) Shawn Paonessa, David M. Jenkins and Spencer Meyers in Jobsite's The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged). (Photo by Pritchard Photography.)

We’ve been dark for almost six months, offering what little we can online — mostly from the homes of our artists while they have been in self-isolation. During this same time we’ve worked closely with our colleagues at the Straz Center, who are on the vanguard of strategic planning for venue re-openings at the national level, to prepare for getting back to work.

While emphasizing health and safety, we are thrilled to announce our first steps toward trying to get back to “normal,” even if our new normal doesn’t exactly look like our old one. First, we will offer an outdoor encore of one our most popular productions of all time on the Riverwalk Stage, and then we host two cherished ensemble members who bring exciting one-person performances to a reconfigured Jaeb Theater, working around dates of the Straz Center’s Nov./Dec. production of Always … Patsy Cline.

All performances operate under strict new guidelines including audience distancing, mandatory masks, temperature checks, and heightened cleaning and sanitization practices.

(L-R) Shawn Paonessa, David M. Jenkins and Spencer Meyers in Jobsite's The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged). (Photo by Pritchard Photography.)

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) [revised]
Oct. 2, 3, 9 & 10*

Fri. and Sat. evenings at 7:30 p.m.

Tables which seat up to four people: $10

Tables which seat up to two people: $5

Riverwalk Stage

An outdoor encore to our highly-acclaimed 20th anniversary reboot the Tampa Bay Times said had “more polish and finesse than ever,” Jobsite’s Bad Boys of Abridgment once again lace up their doublets and Chuck Taylor’s ready to offer a riotous romp through all 37 of Shakespeare’s plays plus the sonnets all in under two hours.

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) [revised] Outdoor Encore 2020 from Jobsite Theater on Vimeo.

Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus

by Jim Helsinger

Oct. 29 – Nov. 1 and Nov. 10*

Thu., Fri., Sat., Tue. evenings at 7:30 p.m.

Sun. matinee at 4 p.m.

Tables which seat up to four people: $99.50

Pairs of seats in the mezzanine: $55.50

A limited number of single seats in the balcony are available for $35.50

Jaeb Theater

Regional favorite and Jobsite Ensemble member Giles Davies brings this stunning one-person tour-de-force that formerly dazzled audiences at Cincinnati Shakespeare Festival to the Jaeb, just in time for Halloween! Literate, wildly theatrical and faithful to Shelley’s original, Davies’ virtuoso display of acting and artistry will surely keep audiences on the edge of their seats.

This show is part of our Job-side program, helping artists self-produce work outside of our mainstage.

Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992

by Anna Deavere Smith

Nov. 11, 17-18 and Dec 1-2*

Tue. and Wed. evenings at 7:30 p.m.

Tables which seat up to four people: $99.50

Pairs of seats in the mezzanine: $55.50

A limited number of single seats in the balcony are available for $35.50

Jaeb Theater

When this drama premiered after the Rodney King uprisings, the LA Times called it “the most comprehensive literary response” that channeled “the cacophony of voices at the city’s heart.” 28 years later Anna Deavere Smith’s one-person masterpiece continues to reverberate powerfully within our current context. Jobsite Ensemble member and nationally-recognized spoken word artist Andresia Moseley breathes new life into this multi-character script based on the testimonies of those who were there.

This show is part of our Job-side program, helping artists self-produce work outside of our mainstage.

The Straz Riverwalk Stage has three levels of open-air seating with appropriate distance between tables. The stage and seating areas are adjacent to the public Riverwalk, but do not sit in the physical Riverwalk itself. 

The Jaeb Theater, typically 320 seats, has been reconfigured for 100 also with proper distance between tables. All additional tables and chairs will be removed from the theater.

In selling tables over single seats, we can better safeguard audiences and also provide folks a means to establish their own level of comfort. If a single person or a couple prefers to purchase a four-top table to keep even more distance, they may do so. These tables will not for any reason be broken up, so folks do not need to be worried about being seated with people they did not arrive with.

All shows go on sale Fri., Sep. 18. They are not part of our 2020-21 season pass since they are an encore and self-produced solo work. Like all Job-side Productions, they are free for members at the Rock Star and All-Star levels. Please contact us directlynot the Straz Box Office — to claim member benefits.

Our plan is still to return to the Shimberg as soon as we’re able with DOUBT: A Parable. Stay tuned for an announcement when details become clearer. DOUBT is phase 3 of our re-opening plan, and we will offer a limited number of digital tickets to stream DOUBT online in addition to the 26 distanced seats available inside the theater. Folks who currently have tickets will be able to redeem them for the in-person or online experience.

If we can answer any questions at all about our plans, practices, or any aspect of the Straz Center’s safety precautions please ask. We’re excited for these steps, and are doing all we can to be both diligent and transparent about our efforts.

* Performance days and times are subject to change due to a range of factors from inclement weather to the health and safety of artists and audiences.

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