Ensemble Program

Jobsite is dedicated to the cultivation of regional talent and to the development of a true artistic home in Tampa for artists of all disciplines.

Producing Artistic Director David M. Jenkins hopes the Ensemble Program gives local artists another reason to  stay in the area.”There isn’t as much work in the area for local artists as there could be. This program serves everyone – our company, our artists, our audiences. We already have a lot of talent in the region. We just need to help keep them here.”

Jenkins sees a cycle at work. “If we continue to give artists a satisfying outlet, their work will naturally grow. As it grows, the public will continue to respond to that. The more folks we have attending productions, the more we can do for our artists. The more we can do, the less reason the artists have to leave.”

Jobsite has also partnered with developing groups like Asian Pacific American Scene Inc. (APASI) to co-produce David Henry Hwang’s Bondage and Michael Golamco’s Cowboy v. Samurai. In 2017, Jobsite stepped in as a co-producer for the first few years of the Tampa International Fringe Festival.

On This Page

Ensemble Mission

Jobsite is committed to ensemble collaboration and artistic risk through our work with a permanent ensemble, guest artists, partner organizations, and the greater Tampa Bay community. Jobsite hopes to help change the landscape of theatrical production by developing a new great generation of dedicated and gifted artists.

Founded in 1998 as an ensemble of five directors, actors and technicians, Jobsite has grown into a respected company of artists over sixty strong. In the tradition of great ensemble companies like the Chicago’s Steppenwolf, the Berliner Ensemble, and Italy ‘s Fo-Rame company, Jobsite hopes to become a company of national esteem and a point of pride for the city of Tampa.

Jobsite firmly believes in the enterprising spirit of our regional artists and that given the opportunity and resources, we all stand to benefit.

Jobsite is determined to seek out committed artists who are willing to advance their skills, work to improve the community, and develop an artistic home.

How It Works

  • Jobsite attends the annual Theatre Tampa Bay Unified Auditions.
  • After the auditions, the pool of directors and the Artistic Director meet to address needs for the season and hold callbacks accordingly.
  • Once contracted, artists are considered part of the Ensemble.
  • Individuals may also become a member of the Ensemble by completing our Internship Program.
  • The Producing Artistic Director elevates Ensemble Members who have shown above and beyond dedication to the company to the post of Artistic Associate, where they serve as the Producing Artistic Director’s inner council.

Member Benefits

The Ensemble of Jobsite's Hand To God. (Photo: David Jenkins)
  • All artists in the Ensemble are considered an Ensemble Member (EM) for that season. 
  • EMs are expected to have active involvement in at least one project a season.
  • EMs are typically given casting consideration prior to the general public.
  • EMs are eligible for free and discounted tickets to Jobsite shows, as well as other area events and attractions as they become available.
  • EMs are given first consideration through the season should a hiring consideration present itself.
  • Ensemble Members may utilize the Ensemble network to announce other projects they are working on or to seek resources.
  • EMs may petition the Producing Artistic Director (PAD) for support of staged readings, workshops, showcases and the like. Jobsite will make every reasonable effort to accommodate an Ensemble Member’s projects, including assisting with rights, rehearsal and performance space, and publicity.
  • Jobsite will help EMs in their professional pursuits in whatever way we can. Jobsite is and will always be an artist’s company.

Member Responsibilities

The Ensemble of Jobsite's LIZZIE. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)
  • EMs are expected to actively participate in at least one Jobsite production per season to remain in good standing. Should an EM not have an active assignment, the PAD may choose to have the artist retain the designation on a by-case basis.
  • EMs should act as an ambassador for Jobsite in the community, assisting in word of mouth in the community as to what Jobsite is about and what we have going on.
  • EMs are expected to maintain an exemplary level of professionalism within the context of any function performed for Jobsite and must obey the policies set forth in company handbooks and contracts.
  • Ensemble Membership is not an arrangement of exclusivity. EMs are in no way restricted from working with another company, provided there is no conflict with contracted duties.
Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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Organization Ticket Request

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Technical Director Contact

Questions for our Technical Director.

Staged Readings Contact

To perform in a reading, have your script considered, or have other Staged Readings questions.

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Contact The Artistic Director

Get in touch with Artistic Director David M. Jenkins for all business and production related questions and touring information.

Contact The Development Chair

Donating to fundraisers, plus any other grant or sponsorship questions.

Auditions Contact

Audition questions, scheduling, resumes and headshots. Also, read about our auditions for more info.

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Donations & Support Contact

Be a Jobsite sponsor, send us something from our wishlist, advertising questions, etc.

Tickets Contact

General questions and information regarding tickets, group rates, discounts, and individual ticket donations.

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Contact The Webmaster

Email our Online Producer regarding website questions, broken links and general kudos for all around groovy site design.