Dog Sees God

Dog Sees God

A cabaret spectacle celebrating the work of Lewis Carroll

Adapted by David M. Jenkins, Spencer P. Meyers, and Katrina Stevenson. Art Direction by Spencer P. Meyers. Music by Jeremy Douglass and Juniper Douglass. Lyrics by Lewis Carroll, Colleen Cherry, Jeremy Douglass, and Kasondra Rose.

May 12 – Jun. 4, 2023

Preview Performances: May 10 – 11

Shimberg Playhouse, Straz Center

This show is dedicated to the memory of Rachel Ann Lisi, who loved both Jobsite and Lewis Carroll

On This Page


Creative Loafing Best of the Bay

What It's About

Jobsite presents the “unauthorized parody” that features America’s favorite cartoon gang 10 years after the events of their 50-year old comic strip with the darkly comic and poignant Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead.

When CB’s dog dies from rabies, he begins to question the existence of an afterlife. His best friend is too stoned to provide any coherent speculation. His sister has gone goth. His ex-girlfriend has recently been institutionalized, and his other friends are too inebriated to give him any sort of solace.

But a chance meeting with an artistic kid, the target of this group’s bullying, offers CB a peace of mind and sets in motion a friendship that will push teen angst to the very limits. Drug use, suicide, eating disorders, teen violence, rebellion and sexual identity collide and careen toward an ending that’s both haunting and hopeful.

In 2004, Dog Sees God was one of the breakout hits at the New York International Fringe Festival, winning the Excellence Award for Best Overall Production, as well as Theatermania’s Play Award of 2004, the GLAAD Media Award for Best Off-Off-Broadway production,’s 2006 Audience Award for Favorite Off-Broadway Production and the 2006 HX Award for Best Play.

Inventive and raunchy…hysterically funny. – New York Post

Dog Sees God doesn't feel like the same old high-school-warfare schlock. The characters – teenage and reckless – are both genuinely sympathetic and unquestionably cruel. Growing more hysterical – and more harrowing – as it flows to an inevitable, uncomfortable end, this taut comedy manages to make tired clichés about stoners and popular homecoming airheads funny and endearing. – New York Magazine

Shawn Paonessa and Summer Bohnenkamp in Jobsite's Dog Sees God. (Photo by Brian Smallheer.)

Critic Reviews

In the pressure-cooker that is high school, Dog Sees God might even save a life ... the acting in this Jobsite Theater production is topnotch ... superbly directed. – Creative Loafing

[Jobsite] has produced this subversive twist on childhood innocence, and it's a fantastic finale to the [season] ... incredibly touching ... Dirty and raw ... still a loving tribute to good men everywhere. – Tampa Tribune

true to the heart of [the original] comic strip ... phenomenal entertainment, sometimes hysterically funny, sometimes sweetly philosophical and ultimately poignant ... hugely entertaining and even mildly thought-provoking. – St. Petersburg Times

...audiences will laugh until their eyes water and then, possibly, shed genuine tears of sadness, too–both totally warranted responses that speak to the script's generic range and delicate subject matter as well as the merits of this production – Drama Daily


Cast & Crew

  • David M. Jenkins – Director
  • Krystalle Voecks – Stage Manager


  • Summer Bohnenkamp – Van’s Sister
  • Jason Evans – Van
  • Kari Goetz – CB’s Sister
  • Meg Heimstead – Marcy
  • Richard Kennedy – Matt
  • Spencer Meyers – Beethoven
  • Shawn Paonessa – CB
  • Katrina Stevenson – Tricia


  • David M. Jenkins – Sound Designer
  • Greg Newcomb – Graphic Designer
  • Joe Popp – “Linus and Lucy” Reimagining
  • Brian M. Smallheer – Scenic and Lighting Designer
  • Ken and Michelle Smith – Piano
  • Georgina Welch – Trumpet

Patron Reviews

In a word… AMAZING. The story is great, and the quality of acting in this show is absolutely phenomenal. PHENOMENAL! Like, it’s almost scary how good these performers are. So good, it makes me want to punch myself in the brain for even thinking that I could ever pretend to be an actor. – Read more at SCReWNoRMaL

I loved the ENSEMBLE in its entirety. There were many comic moments that made me laugh in the way I need to after a long week at work. Moments that brought tears to my eyes and moments that brought back memories of my childhood and teen years (many calendars have gone by!) … I look forward to being a part of many other audiences – Lisa Rivera

This was an absolutely incredible show with an amazing and endearing cast. – Jackie Gillespie

Great job guys! I really enjoyed watching it last night!!!! F*kng Hillarious. – Roberto Mata

Dog Sees God rocked my stitches out of my groin … So realistic I remembered vividly why I hated high school – David Hood

Shawn Paonessa’s understated CB was a pleasure to watch. Summer Bohnenkamp’s Van’s Sister should be termed “brilliant.” Brian Smallheer’s super lighting design was spot on while David Jenkins’ sound design was literally perfect. It was great to see all of those crazy kids on stage. – David Valdez

Dog Sees God is a must see! Every actor is crisp, sharp and fascinating. Don’t know how they do it, but the stellar company tops themselves with every production. Charlie Brown for big kids. Do yourselves a favor and catch it. Jenkins and company knock it out of the park AGAIN! Quality work indeed. I will see it again. BRAVO! I (I smell extension). – Ward Smith

Just saw Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead and it was amazing!!!! I recommend everyone to go see it!!! – Jordan King

Spent a great evening at the Jobsite Theater. Dog Sees God was a great show! Go see it! – Timothy Heberlein

Saw it yesterday. Loved it! – Angie Campbell

Great show yesterday! – Angela Lakin

Is it possible for a show to get better and better the more you see it? So far it looks that way! I’ll be back in a few days or so for a 3rd time to find out for sure. 😉 – Timothy Allen

If you have not yet seen a Jobsite Theater production at the David A. Straz, Jr. Center for the Performing Arts or any other local theater production, this is certainly the show to check out..If you are into humor and grew up watching that poor little blockhead as a child you will find this play hilarious and the characters entertaining… – Vinny Tafuro

Last night, I was taken on the crazy ride that is Dog Sees God over at Jobsite Theater … Congrats to cast and crew for an awesome job! But damn you guys for making me weepy! Seriously, everyone should check this one out! It made me laugh loudly, cry, get angry, feel uncomfortable, feel nostalgic, and ponder life after death and human frailty. – Nicole Jeannine Smith

Saw Dog Sees God tonight at @jobsitetheater. Amazingly amazing. Yet another play I’ll have to see more than once. – skajawills

Dog sees god will let you see what happens when cartoon characters stop being polite and start being real – xquitz

A phenomenal funny & potent revisit w/childhood friends facing big questions. @jobsitetheater’s Dog Sees God is amazing – daidaloslost

really enjoyed Dog Sees God tonight! Very funny, very moving. – DramaDaily

Went to see Dog Sees God at Jobsite Theater last nite. All of yous need to go see this – Phil Bethea

Honestly, the show left me crying. The roles were amazingly done and I thank the cast for every moment on the stage, even the ones I turned my eyes from because I couldn’t bring myself to look at something I deal with daily, in my own self-loathing way. – Read more of JB’s review at Blogsite Theater

AMAZING show! Must see!!!! – Tina Shaffer

A Great show! Loved seeing it tonight! – Trey Troy

Saw an incredible production of Dog Sees God tonight in the Shimberg Playhouse at the Straz Center… Truly an excellent production! – Jim Whicker

I must again say that Dog Sees God was excellent. The incredibly talented Jobsite Theater bunch does it again. See it. – Bob Westphal

Saw it last night, its good, I laughed, I got a little misty eyed (really), an all around pleasant theatrical experience. – Mike Kennedy

Go see Dog Sees God at the Straz Center!! Went for opening night and it was AWESOME! This performance is one of the finest directed by the talented David Jenkins and the cast members of the Jobsite Theater. Mature humor combined with real life conflict is a delightfully moving performance that left me yearning for more. Seriously people, if you are looking for something to do the tickets are reasonably priced. THERE SHOULDN’T BE AN EMPTY SEAT IN THE HOUSE! DON’T MISS IT!!! – Deana Scurlock Folz

I just saw Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead with my brother Jordan King it was sooooo goood:) i loved it go see it :))) – Michaela King

See. NOW. Fantastical!! – Cheryl Blocker

Saw Jobsite’s Dog Sees God last night. Another amazing performance. Absolutely loved it. Great way to end the season. – Kim Smallheer

Just loved Dog Sees God this afternoon, brilliantly written and real tour de force performances by the cast. Guess I am the right age / target audience having grown up with the Strip … have to admit teared up during the final scene. Bravo! – Keith Arsenault

Friends in the Tampa Bay area, you must go see Jobsite’s Dog Sees God! Excellent! And for me personally, those kids chased my blues away! I laughed and I cried and spent the best 85 minutes I’ve had in a long time! Go see it! It’s been extended to 8/29 – don’t miss it! – Sandra Corona Johnson

Just saw Dog Sees God at Jobsite Theater — please go see it. A wonderful job by everyone involved about a VERY important subject (with a lot of laughs!) One more weekend. – Scott Cooper

Go see Dog Sees God. Fantastic direction and superb cast! – Alison Burns

Pee in ur pants funny! with touching moments too that brought tears to my eyes. – Mayra Calo

Had a great time at Jobsite Theater today seeing this show. Next weekend is the last weekend so go see it if you have a chance!! It is funny & heartwarming – a must see if you are from the Peanuts generation. I wonder if Steve Jerve liked it? – Catherine Matthews

Just saw Dog Sees God @jobsitetheater – It may have just become my favorite play – Aaron_Horne

Saw Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead by @jobsitetheater tonight @StrazCenter! It was amazingly good and so deeply moving – MACRMCCOY

Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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