The Boys Next Door

The Boys Next Door

by Tom Griffin

Directed by Ned Averill-Snell

Feb. 17 – March 6, 2005

Thur. – Sat. 8p, Sun. 4p

Shimberg Playhouse, Straz Center for the Performing Arts

On This Page

What It's About

In a communal residence in a New England city, four mentally handicapped men live under the supervision of an earnest, but increasingly “burned out” young social worker named Jack (Chris Holcom). Norman (Michael C. McGreevy), who works in a doughnut shop and is unable to resist the lure of the sweet pastries, takes great pride in the huge bundle of keys which dangles from his waist; Lucien P. Smith (“ranney”) has the mind of a five-year-old, but imagines that he is able to read and comprehend the weighty books he lugs about; Arnold (Paul J. Potenza) is the hyperactive ringleader and compulsive chatterer, who suffers from deep-seated insecurities and a persecution complex; while Barry (Brian Shea), a brilliant schizophrenic who is devastated by the unfeeling rejection of his brutal father, fantasizes that he is a golf pro.

Mingled with scenes from the daily lives of these four, where “little things” sometimes become momentous (and often very funny), are moments of great poignancy when we are reminded with touching effectiveness that the handicapped, like the rest of us, want only to love, laugh and find some meaning and purpose in the brief time they have on this earth.

Working with HARC

For the first time, Jobsite will partner with Hillsborough Association for Retarded Citizens (HARC) to create and fully develop a production that resonates as truthfully as possible. It is an opportunity for both groups to spend a little time in each other’s lives and learn from one another. In addition to joint meetings, it is the hope of both organizations that as many outreach elements as possible come to fruition over the next few months – including a performance for HARC members.

With funds for programs such as HARC being in short supply and thinning year by year, it is Jobsite’s hope to help raise awareness for this important program with their production.

(L-R) Chris Holcom and "ranney" in Jobsite's The Boys Next Door. (Photo: Brian Smallheer.)


Cast & Crew

  • Ned Averill-Snell – Director


  • Slake Counts – Men
  • Leah LoSchiavo – Women
  • Michael C. McGreevy – Norman
  • Chris Holcom – Jack
  • Alvin Jenkins – Mr. Klemper
  • Paul J. Potenza – Arnold
  • “ranney” – Lucien
  • Ami Sallee – Sheila
  • Brian Shea – Barry


  • Dickie Corley – Set Designer
  • Brian M. Smallheer – Light Designer
Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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