Jon VanMiddlesworth

Jon VanMiddlesworth

Some might remember Jon in GNIT (as Guh-nit) by Will Eno at Tampa Rep in 2018 as well as productions with American Stage, Jobsite, Stageworks and many more. He has appeared in The Jaeb Theatre in Silence! The Musical (Pappa Starling) and in the Shimberg Playhouse in Titus Andronicus (Bassianus/Clown) both for Jobsite. Jon Has appeared in the Los Angeles premieres of Suffer The Long Night and Doublets and Hose. He became a producer and a director for The Blank Theatre Co.’s Nationwide Young Playwrights Festival, as well as a producer with The Blank’s mainstage seasons, including the west coast premieres of Speech and Debate by Stephen Karam and The Jazz Age by Allan Knee. Locally, he directed Cymbeline (2016) for the St. Petersburg Shakespeare Festival. Jon would like to dedicate his performance to his late father and mother who always helped him achieve his dreams.

Jobsite Productions

Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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