David Steinweg


David Steinweg holds a Ph.D. in Communication from the University of South Florida. His dissertation established a critical theory concerning the process of musical improvisation. The dissertation was informed by a long history performing various musical styles, ranging from punk, ska and rock, to Western art music and jazz. David also studied the engineering side of music during his B.S. and M.A. degrees (from Missouri State University) by recording, engineering, and performing on various student projects, as well as teaching courses in studio techniques. Aside from academic study, he has worked on both on-set film production as well as post-production crews, serving as boom operator, mixer, sound designer, recordist, foley artist, music supervisor, and composer for student and professional film productions. Although he has little formal experience with live theatre production, he hopes to add to the cast and crew of Jobsite Theater by offering his knowledge of sound design within other forms of media. He continues to be inspired by his wife, family, and friends, which includes his 12 year old cat, Sir Orion Klumpafur.

Jobsite Productions

Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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Get in touch with Artistic Director David M. Jenkins for all business and production related questions and touring information.

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