Emilia Sargent

Emilia Sargent

Emilia Sargent is thrilled to be making her debut at Jobsite Theater. She has appeared on several Tampa Bay Area stages, including the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center’s Jaeb, Ferguson and Shimberg theaters, American Stage, Alley Cat Players, Stageworks, Ruth Eckerd Hall, and the Mahaffey. Sargent has starred in many musicals including My Fair Lady, Cabaret, Damn Yankees, The Music Man, The Song of Songs, and Oklahoma!. Other credits include Orson’s Shadow, Jane Eyre,  Metamorphoses, A Christmas Story, Romeo and Juliet, Much Ado About Nothing, and Macbeth.  A member of the Screen Actors Guild, Sargent has appeared in several industrial films, commercials and television shows, including FOX Network’s America’s Most Wanted. Emilia can also be seen in the educational video My Science Project distributed by The Education Channel in schools nationwide. Passionate about theatre education for youth, she founded the SALT Summer Drama Intensive for youth and is a member of the adjunct faculty at the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center Patel Conservatory. Emilia wishes to thank her husband and daughters for their unending love and support.

Jobsite Productions

Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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