Roz Potenza


Roz Potenza traveled many miles, many moons ago and has been acting in the Tampa Bay area now for longer than she’s willing to admit (for those of you adept at math). Some performances that make Roz feel all warm and fuzzy are one half of the two person play, The Guys, neither one of the twins in Mineola Twins, many of the mad in Grimm’s Faery Tales, one of several Minas in Swoop, Kalonike (no relation to the sneaker) in Lysistrata, Claire (same name and vastly different women) in both Beautiful Bodies and Girl Bar and Alice (yes, just Alice) in Gertrude & Alice. She was also part of the fabulous but now defunct Artists Collective and presented her own one woman, one sheep play entitled Sheepwalking at the Bending Minds with Spoons Festival. When not tripping the light fantastic, Roz fancies herself a really good cook, a snappy dresser and mom to over 200 lbs. of cuddly dog love. Love to Paulie, her hero.

Jobsite Productions

Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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