Sadie Lockhart

Sadie Lockhart

Select regional credits include: Around The World In 80 Days (ThinkTank Theatre); Jane Bingley in Miss.Bennet: Christmas At Pemberley; Lou Ann in Hairspray; Yellow in America: A Mosaic; Owl in Winnie The Pooh; Darcy in Rikki Tikki Tavi; Grandma in George’s Marvelous Medicine (American Stage);  Mrs. Merman/Professor in The Little Mermaid (Missoula Children’s Theater); Octavius in Julius Casear (St.Pete Shakes Festival).  Gadshill in Henry V Part 1; Biondello in The Taming Of The Shrew (Baltimore Shakespeare Factory).

Training: BFA in Acting from Towson University; Acting & Production Apprentice and Emerging Arts Leader Fellow with American Stage.  Sadie is a founding member of The Oven, a theater for social change company in Baltimore where she was a producer/creator/performer for Commodities and Gone.  Sadie would like to thank David, the Jobsite company, cast, and crew for this joyful opportunity.  And thank her family, friends, boyfriend, and mentors for their unwavering support and endless cheerleading.

Jobsite Productions

Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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