Jenn Jones


Jenn Jones, a dance choreographer, instructor, and performer is thrilled to start work with the ever-entertaining actors of Jobsite! She has taught for the Patel Conservatory at the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center working with students in summer camps, oureach programs, and year-round classes. Jenn has choreographed and coached for the dance teams at Tampa Preparatory School, Academy of Holy Names, and Santa Fe Catholic High School. She performs with Maria Capitano Pardo’s modern dance company, Bella Danza, Event Show Productions, Music on the Move Entertainment, and for special events at Busch Gardens. Jenn studied dance at the Ormond School of Ballet under the direction of Jane Bradshaw, and Columbia College in Chicago, where she performed with Culture Shock Break Company. She has also danced at the University of South Florida and Barry University, where she performed with their hip-hop dance team.

Jobsite Productions

Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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